Super Jerry'Os World (Episode 6) - SMM2 AMAZING SUPER WORLD Showcase #53.6

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Welcome to Retro Land! This is the 6th map of Super Jerry'Os World. This map is outstanding in so many ways because of the top-tier levels in it.

Retro-style levels, so we're back to SMB1 style levels. This map has more emphasis on the Superball powerup and the SMB2 Mushroom. The levels are very dependent on these powerups which makes for very creative gimmicks and gameplay. Level design for each 5 levels in this map is phenomenal. There's some good throwback to the original levels from Super Mario Land here as well as Super Mario Bros. 2. There's even some good use of backtracking in most of these levels and the novelty doesn't phase out either.

I highly recommend you to watch this video because I don't want to give spoilers on what kind of super cool & awesome levels you're about to see from Retro Land! Gerardo truly wasn't kidding when he said World 6 was his favorite because it's got the best gimmicks he's made so far in his Super World.

I hope you enjoy this map as much as I did, hence I added more funny edits than usual in this video!

0:00 - Super Jerry'Os World 6
0:48 - SMUA 6-1: Rediscovering Birabuto
7:40 - Mushroom House Pop & Win
15:21 - SMUA 6-3: Into the Dream Land
23:00 - SMUA 6-4: The Floating Bastion
34:12 - Mushroom House Match & Win
34:53 - SMUA 6-5: Lemmy's Wartian Palace
46:42 - World 6 Cleared!
47:24 - Outro


Music used in the Intro:

Composed and produced by Marllon Silva / xDeviruchi:


Bootleg To Be Continued Meme (JJBA) used at the end of the video made by:


My Nintendo Switch Friend Code: 8119-6288-3696

My SMM2 maker ID: 31D-R71-QRF

Thanks for watching!

#SMM2 #SuperMarioMaker2
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Ohhhh!!! It's great to watch this video. The edition, Luny, it was funny and well made. This time you found all secrets of this world (except the castle the time didn't let to check it, but you knew that the secret was there)

As I said before, it's my favourite world. The second level took me much time for developing it, it was a hard process where I learnt to make music (the most diffcult thing that I've made on Mario Maker) it took me a month for making only that level, a crazy!!!

The other levels where easier to make. The third level was a cool idea that I watched on the 4YMM but the mechanism for the key was designed for myself. The last two levels were made like it was SMB2, I hope that these feel like the original game.

I liked the animation on the bonus room of the third level, surely it was hard for you to find the secret room. By the way, I noticed that, at the end of your video, the images of your avatar were changed, it looks cute.

Thanks Luny for showing the world 6 of my super world with your awesome edition. I wish you an excellent weekend. Until the next video. Bye bye.


Really Well-designed levels And GG on the super ultimate secret room 😄 !


When Rediscovering Birabuto started, I have to admit I didn't understand the angle immediately. I was perplexed... and while the level is a good level, I thought it was a strange direction. I don't think it sank in until HIYOIHOI IN BIRABUTO!? Now I'm wondering if I sold some of the previous maps short because there's a progression in these levels that draws one in. It's subtle, but I'm starting to see that it's by design. The first level is setting expectations with the express intention of flipping them again and again. Just like classic Mario games, the tone is set in that first level and then each level surprises you just a bit more, in such a way that each one makes you think you've seen the high point, and then the next level has something else you didn't expect and you're delighted again. I would say this is Miyamoto's fun factor on display, and I'm legitimately intrigued to see it done so well.

The amazing thing is that we are again seeing some classic traditional style play here, but with something of a twist. These levels are trying to accomplish the same amount you would expect to see in a dozen shorter levels in another Mario game, but because you only get five per map these have to pull a lot more weight. The length and complexity is therefore very high. I would state that length and complexity are not on friendly terms with fun, so to pull off levels like these without losing something is a major victory. I think some makers just aren't happy until they set an impossible challenge for themselves. So I don't have any more to say, except that this map has delivered again. My personal notes: There's almost nothing more fun than picking up a chain chomp and running around using it to chomp enemies (turnabout is fair play) and I don't know which music set makes me more tense between the castle theme and the SMB2USA desert so here you get plenty of both... back and forth, back and forth. The trauma! Let's continue this next time in the mysterious caverns map seven has waiting for us. It feels like we're being watched...
