How To Create Epic Procedural Dungeons In Unreal Engine 5 - Part 4

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➤ BUY ME A CUP OF COFFEE and some Popcorn 🙂

➤Spider Animation Tutorial

➤Easy Dungeon Wall Tutorial - Blender to Unreal Engine

This game is inspired by some of my favorite game, like Wonder Boy, Diablo, Darksiders, Ghost'n Goblins, with a heavy focus on Exciting Combat, and exploration. It will all be combined into a RogueLite experience, where every playthrough will be different.

Let me know what you think in the comments below, and if you have any great ideas, feedback or requests, Please let me know ❤️

00:00 - Intro
00:42 - Folder Cleanup
02:01 - Non Square Elevator Room
25:14 - Hero Character
32:16 - Creating the Enemy
38:38 - Spawning the Enemy
45:05 - Nav Mesh
52:47 - Enemy AI
04:19 - Chase Player
08:53 - Fumbling Around
14:50 - Getting it to Work
26:20 - Outtro

Thanks for watching!
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If anyone is stuck on how to get the pathing off the walls and ceilings, in each room, you can add a collision box, go to "Navigation", enable "Dynamic Obstacle" and disable "Use system default obstacle area class". You can then select "Nav Area Null" in the override dropdown. This will mark the zone as a "no-go" zone.

I believe you can also dynamically establish the mesh per room, rather than one large zone this way by using another collider on the ground and using "Nav Area Default". I'm still testing the last bit.


Excellent, this serie is amazing, thank you so much.


Truly inspiring tutorials keep up the fantastic work ❤


Great video as usual, this helped a ton with the nav mesh issue I had and gave me a great foundation to build upon, thank you!


If your room is not a square room, you just put the Exit Arrows where you want the exits to be. You can even make a circular room and put 360 Exit Arrows on it. You can have multiple Exit Arrows on the same side of the room. You are limited only by your imagination.


Thank you so much for sharing these tutorials, I love this series. As a suggestion for part five, could you add a list of rooms that only appear once? : )


i have been thinking of making a game with procedural generation and i have quickly scimmed through your series and it has everything i have been wanting to create. You are awesome and i hope there are more episodes to come. There arent many unreal engine 5 tutorial creators out there and your channel should and will be bigger than it is now. Thank you for all the hard works you have been putting out and sharing these videos with us! Keep it up my man :D


24:53, pretty sure you did it on the first one, where you connect the rooms when they overlap, pretty sure same logic applies


Awesome, really enjoy your videos. I used pawn sensing component on the AI that makes it easier to set the radius and you can escape from them.


There's a fix for the navmesh on the walls. Untick "Can Ever Affect Navigation" in the actor if the wall. After this the navmesh will not be generated on top of the wall.


Hi! Great Tutorials so far! I have a question, if you can do a video to answer please. I need a Final room to spawn at the very end of dungeon's generation. How can I leave the walls open to enter the room and most important, how to spawn the room? I reach the spawning point, but I have some errors in the log. Thank you.


Would it be possible to have furniture being randomly distributed in the future videos?

Thank you for this.


can you please make a video on multiplayer replication?


First of all, awsome videos, you helped me a lot, but I found an issue with enemies, on first look in your game it looks normal, but I try to implement a bigger enemies and while they are following you and going straight its ok but when they are rotating the movement is shaking its not smooth and your ghost doing it too. Could you look at that in next tutorial please? Im trying to solve this problem but nothing fixed this problem yet.


Another suggestion for part 5 could be to add a minimap
