Who Is the Disciple Jesus Loved?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1642
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John of course. Why did he called himself the loved disciple? Because John knew with his heart how much JESUS loved him, that's why he called himself that. He accepted and understood the love of JESUS with his heart. We all should do that and call ourselves the disciples that are loved by JESUS ♥️🙌🏼✝️🤗


John is a wonderful example of someone who truly found his identity to be “the disciple whom Jesus loved.”

This has been a freeing truth for me in my own walk with Jesus. I, too, am the disciple whom Jesus loves. In a world competing for our identity, we as believers must have ours rooted in Christ alone


Jesus's love for John was, amongst other reasons, to preserve him for the task ahead; to reveal a glimpse of the events of the second coming of Christ and until he was done, he was not meant to die.

The question is, what lessons can we learn from the life John lived?


☑👍 so beautifully explained with thoughtful Insights ❗; the Apostle John is my very favorite Bible writer in All five of his books [that I re-read continually] ; and it particularly strikes me that John deals so easily on the imperative of Jesus' Love ✝️ 🙏 ❤💚❤


Tks Jesus loves you pastor John, from Jkt with love, I pray for you n your minister. GBU🙏❤️🎼


It always seemed to me like John did this out of humility. Not wanting to seem self-serving by referring to himself in any way, he kept himself in third-person and unnamed, yet included phrases like “whom Jesus loved” to prevent the notion that John’s lack of description in his own testimony was based on a lack of affection towards him by Jesus or the writer.


Thank you Pastor John, Tony Reinke, and all the servants of Desiring God. Your ministry is very thorough, loving and effective for the kingdom of God!
Praise the LORD! For His work is marvelous!!

At first I wondered why answering such a question. Because it almost seems like it can be assumed, or be rooted as a shallow statement. However, listening to this podcast humbled me, in the sense that certain facts formulated in specific ways are loaded with meaning and value.

The last 6 months I trained an exegesis coarse, using Douglas Stuart's work as a foundation. On my practicals my text was 1 John. 4, and pericope 1 John 4:7-5:4.

The point is that I had to do an intensive word-study on 'love' as a key to understand the passage. Something that was extremely noteworthy, was that John's meaning of love is mostly a condescending love.

What this means is that the love comes from a place of status, high worth or honour. This love is shown to a place of low status, unworthy and 'honourlessness'.

In John's writings, it is a scarce phenomenon to witness people's love for God, and always see God's formidable love for dusty-sinful humans.

I think this might be the reason why John made himself known in this way: 'the disciple Jesus loved'
Expressing a humble (or rather meek) author in an intimate relationship with Jesus. And I think Peter's nearby presence emphasis that as well (as you pointed out).

Oh how wonderful the depths of Scripture!* It is so deep that the Behemoth will drown in it, yet so shallow that a child can understand.
How indescribable is the revelation of God! How breathtaking is works!! And how humbling His sanctification.


Thank very much Pastor John I am satisfied by your explanation. May God almighty bless you.


I believe it's the reader, because Christ fulfills scripture through you who love him in return by fulfilling the scripture through your obedience and love to him. Neville Goddard says the Bible is your life pushed outward. God became man, so man, could become God.❤


John had the revelation and imagine when he saw the lamb during the revelation. Anyway they all loved Him so much, more than anything and He loved them all too❤️


I think John being the one whom Jesus loved is an indicator of his age. I genuinely believe he was by far the youngest disciple. Being the youngest, he would be looked after and protected (after a brotherly sort) by all the other disciples, and especially by Jesus. I think this also explains why he lived so long into the first century, because he was younger. Lots of Dore's art on the Bible depicts Saint John as a rather young and fresh-faced looking man.


Using the third person voice for the reporting of events is a sort of rule/preference that goes back to ancient times. The narrative portions of the Torah that feature Moses are always in third person, so it is present in biblical Hebrew. Julius Caesar referred to himself in third person in Bellum Gallicum, and he was educated in the Greek kingdom of Pontus so it was probably standard in Greek if not also in Latin. Even in public junior high and onwards they taught us to use third person (avoid 'I', 'we') when writing reports.

Interestingly, apart from the Gospels the epistles are written in first person where applicable and so is Revelation. It would be really awkward to write a letter in third person, so this makes sense. However, Revelation is different. OT prophets seem to have a mixture of forms but significant parts of Isaiah and Jeremiah are in the first person voice as well, so John's alternating of first/third person writing in Revelation is fitting. First person seems to especially associate with reporting prophetic visions as in Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4.


Definitely John ... and the reason why I say this is because he was the last to die ... not only did he see the book of Revelations but he wrote it while being jailed on an island in his older years.. however died peacefully with people he loved around him


John a Devouted man, like Job.
Both were seen the beginning and end,
John among the 12 disciples lived and died at the old age, he cannot be killed by the hands of man and was exiled.

John was commanded by Jesus to write the revelations through visions.

Both loved by God.

Job had seen Leviathan and Behemoth, the symbols for Pride and Power,
the marked of the Beast.

John had seen the victory of the lord at the end of times.

Message: A devouted man are truly blessed.
There's is a reward for believing and following the teachings of our LORD our God.


I rather feel that Jesus really did love John the most, as you see Jesus was more closer to peter, james and john and secondly John the apostle was the only one from the twelve apostles who wasn't martyred, .... So it makes some sense


It certainly seems like it must be John. I've not seen any other conclusions.


A clear explanation but the question of why John was loved ‘the most’ isn’t really addressed? I agree it doesn’t denigrate the other apostles to say John was loved and his identity was solely in Christ, but why is he specifically described in terms that make him seem like he was indeed set slightly above the others? Also the narrative about John possibly having a longer than normal life seems to be relevant here.


It is john. Some people say it is his child which is NOT true. It also says, from that day he took mary to his home..jesus gave us his mother at the cross. This is proof.


“He then lying on Jesus’ breast saith unto him, lord, who is it?”

The one who Jesus loved was wasn’t “by his side” he was leaning on Jesus’ bosom


It is the condition of the heart, there is unseen depth here the key is clinging Thank you Lord God Almighty for opening my eyes
John 19:26-27
26 When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, “Woman, behold your son!”
27 Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!” And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home.

Yes indeed what do these things mean, very simply put clinging to the King always by His side, Ruth Clung to Naomi, Adam clung to Eve (for this reason a man shall cling to his wife and they shall become one flesh ) - eat and drink Mr Piper the meat of the WORD taste and see it is good

Gen. 2. [24] Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Ruth 1:11-15
New King James Version
11 But Naomi said, “Turn back, my daughters; why will you go with me? Are there still sons in my womb, that they may be your husbands?
12 Turn back, my daughters, go—for I am too old to have a husband. If I should say I have hope, if I should have a husband tonight and should also bear sons, 13 would you wait for them till they were grown? Would you restrain yourselves from having husbands? No, my daughters; for it grieves me very much for your sakes that the hand of the Lord has gone out against me!”
14 Then they lifted up their voices and wept again; and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, but Ruth clung to her.
15 And she said, “Look, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods; return after your sister-in-law.”
Yes Jesus loved all the disciples but, He loved this one more because of His heart for the Lord
Much love in our Lord Jesus Christ xxx Lance
Lord what about this one Peter say's - if I want Him to live till I come back ... what is it to you Jesus has His very special ones ... oh the wisdom of my daddy God .... so beautiful
