Muslims Find Out that Islam Has No Free Speech (And So Doesn't Belong in our Nations) | Arul

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Vitriolic Quran, Islam & Muhammad or Jesus Christ
Islam was created from writings of the Quran, Hadith & Muhammad..
▪︎ "No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being dead, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith." (Winston Churchill 1899).

▪︎ "Dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its followers! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apa­thy." (Winston Churchill, River War, 1899).

▪︎ "The Quran itself preaches violence against nonbelievers.." (Staff Writer, Florida Times-Union 2015).

▪︎ "There is no Compulsion in religion.." (Quran 2:256).. BUT is There ..
▪︎ "K*ll those who reject and turn away from Allah.." (Quran 4:89).

▪︎ "I will cast t*rror into the hearts of disbelievers. Strike off their heads who disbelieve and strike off every finger tip..(Quran 8:12).

▪︎ "Allah does not love the unbelievers." (Quran 3:032).
▪︎ "Unbelievers are the worst of creatures." (Quran 8:55).

▪︎ "To those causing mischief cut off their hands and feet on opposite sides.. (Quran 5:33).

▪︎ "As for male and female thieves, cut off their hands for what they have done - a deterrent from Allah. (Quran 5:38).

▪︎ Lash adulterers with 100 lashes each .. (Quran 24:2).
▪︎ Have Intercourse with the young "those who haven't menstruated..." (Quran 65:4).

▪︎ S*x slavery " With whom the right hand possesses.." (Quran 4:24; 33:50).
▪︎ "Wife is a tilth, marital r*pe.. (Quran 2:223).

▪︎ "lt's OK to strike your women for ill-conduct...(Quran 4:34).

▪︎ "Earn paradise from Allah by k"lling others and being k"lled.. (Quran 9:111, 47:4-6; Bukhari 52:46-54; Muslim 20:4635, 20:4655, 20:4678)

▪︎ "As to those who reject faith I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and the hereafter..(Quran 3:56).

▪︎ "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah..(Quran 4:76, 2:244).

▪︎ "Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace..(Quran 9:14).

▪︎ "He has sent His messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make it victorious over all religions though the infidels may resist..(Quran 61:9, 9:33, 48:28).

▪︎ "O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination" (Quran 9:73, 66:9, 4:52).

▪︎ "Fight unbelievers till they testify there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger.." (Quran 9:29; Muslim 1:33).

▪︎ "Surely those who disbelieve from among the followers of the Book and the polytheists shall be in the fire of hell, abiding therein; they are the worst of men" (Quran 98:6).

▪︎ "Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve (Quran 8:55).

▪︎ "The Prophet said, 'If somebody discards his religion, k*ll him" (Bukhari 52:260).

▪︎ "K'll everyone in the way of Allah and k*ll disbelievers of Allah". (Ibn Ishaq 992).

▪︎ "K*lling unbelievers is a small matter to us" Muhammad. (Tabari 9:69).
▪︎ Muhammad is only a warner with no signs.. (Quran 29:50, 17:59).

▪︎ Muhammad writes tales and fables of the ancients.. (Quran 8:31; 27:68; 25:5).
▪︎ Islam and the Quran is only for the Arabs.. (Quran 12:2).

▪︎ Allah only sends Prophets from their land and in their language.. (Quran 12:2; 14:4).
▪︎ Allah guides and misguids who he wills.. (Quran 14:4, 10:100).

▪︎ Obeying Muhammad is obeying Allah.. (Quran 4:80, 33:36, 46:31, 33:55-56)..Shirk..?

▪︎ Blasphemy laws for Muhammad in Sharia and "Reliance of The Traveller" prove Muhammad is worshipped..Shirk..?

▪︎ Muhammad forgives sins.. (Quran 46:31).. Shirk..?
▪︎ Glorify Muhammad morning and night.. (Quran 33:36; 48:9).. Shirk..

▪︎ Muslims must prostrate to Allah's shin.. (Quran 68:42).
▪︎ Pray, Prostrate toward al Haram.. the Holy Mosque. (Quran 2:144).
▪︎ The Quran invokes the pagan Jinns.. (Quran al-Jinn 72:1-28).

▪︎ The Quran's first revelation, "man was made from a clot of blood." (The Clot, Quran 96:1-2).

▪︎ The Virgin Mary is one of Christian's 3 gods.. (Quran 5:166).
▪︎ Jesus Christ wasn't crucified or raised from the grave.. (Quran 4:157).

▪︎ Allah Says, "Surely those who reject Our signs, We will cast them into the Fire. Whenever their skin is burnt completely, We will replace it so they will ˹constantly˺ taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is Almighty, All-Wise." (Quran 4:56).

▪︎ But Muslims are directed to follow the people and scriptures of the Book that came before them.. (Quran 3:3; 5:46-47; 10:94).

▪︎ "Judgement Day and the Hour will not come until M*slims fight the Jews and attack them. (Bukhari 2925, 2926; M*slim 2922).

▪︎ Holy Jesus Christ is reduced by Islam to a only a prophet in hierarchy below sinful Muhammad..

▪︎ Are the Quran's abrogated verses also contained in Allah's "Eternal Tablet"..?
▪︎ Allah and the Scholars corrupted the "Eternal Quran" by abrogating it..  (Quran 2:106).

▪︎ There is no connection between the Quran and the Bible.. no cross-reference verses between the Quran and Bible as is found between the Old and New Testaments.

▪︎ In Islam Eternity is earnt by works and is not guaranteed ..

JESUS Christ And The Gospels:
▪︎ in Christianity Eternity is guaranteed by Christ's grace through His sacrifice on the Cross for the payment of our sins..(2 Corinthians 5:22).

▪︎ Jesus Christ is God Incarnate, The Word who Became Flesh..(John 1:1-4, 1:14; John 10:25-36).

▪︎ Jesus Christ - Yeshua Hamashiach is the greatest example for human kind & the Final Revelation ..(1John 2:22; Galatians 1:8-9; Matthew 7:14-17).

▪︎ Only Jesus commands the Golden Rule to love your enemy and neighbor as yourself..(Matt 5:38-48).

• "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,  that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16).

▪︎  John the Baptist Said, "Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." (John 1:29).

▪︎ "Jesus atones for our sins and not only ours but also for the sins of the whole world." (1John 2:2).

▪︎ Jesus said, "Love one another as I have loved you." (John 15:12).

▪︎ "Whoever does not Love does not know God because God is Love." (1John 4:8).

Christ's 2 Greatest Commandments Are To Love:
▪︎"Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees,  the Pharisees got together. 
One of them, an expert in the law,  tested him with this question: 
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
1. Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment"
2. "And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself, love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you"’
☆ "All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:30-40).

▪︎ Christ's Law, the New Covenant, overrules OT Violence & Rituals. (Matthew 5:38:48).

▪︎ "Jesus said, You have heard it said, "an eye for eye, etc. But I tell you, Love your enemy." (Matt 5:38-48).

▪︎ "Truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life." (John 5:24).

▪︎ "For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh This is the deceiver and the antichrist." (2 John 1:7, 10).

▪︎ " But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse." (Galatians 1:8-9).

▪︎ "Jesus will give you everlasting life, because God the Father has set His seal on Him." (John 6:27). 

View The Cross in Whirlpool Galaxy - NASA  

▪︎ “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.” (Colossians 2:9).


Arul is best, love from India 🇮🇳, save UK


Ex-muslim, atheist, vegan from Bangladesh here.


Whole universe was belongs to sanatan Dharma...
Proud to be sanatani ❤🥳🥳


What a brave guy you are dear bro Arul.


Islam is very very dengerous to the
Humanity. Thank u brother for creating awareness.


"Where is Free speech in Qur’an?!"

Muslim "Shut up, you're talking rubbish!"


You will never find any muslim answering questions .


Many adults muslim behave like children, have no self restrain, too emotional, can hold a calm conversation


😢Where islam prosper, civilization dies...


I have never seen a Muslim answering a direct question.


Hindus be like :- we know better then whole world


One Arul, thousand muslims😂 but no one has guts😅


I love this guy men, he shows Muslims what kind of religion they have.


I am a Hindu, but I am strongly support Mr.Arul for Islamic Opposition 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Don't be desperate, if you need a toilet break, it is somewhere Epic line 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Israel is defending our Jesus Christ Birthplace and I support Israel


This man is more than welcome to live in the UK - unlike a Muslim, he shares our values. Do not confuse Islam with race.


Why the Muslim so emotional and sensitive and angry. Just answer the simple question 🤣🤣🤣


Man spoke TRUTH all in appreciate that
