Hidden History - The Forgotten and Historic Beale's Cut on the Newhall Pass

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Before Beale's Cut was made on San Fernando Mountain, the path between Los Angeles and California's Central Valley was a long and difficult path. The opening of the cut in 1854, was a vital link between LA and the north, and was one of the most important infrastructure projects in Southern California for it's time.

The opening of the Newhall Pass (Fremont Pass) helped turn Los Angeles into the metropolis it would become. From 1854 to 1910 it was the primary means of stagecoach then automobile travel between the city and Central California. After Beale's Cut was bypassed in 1910, it then became a frequently used filming location for early Hollywood films.

The days of it's use have long since passed, and despite Beale's Cut being a registered California landmark, it is hidden from view of the current roads through the area, and largely forgotten. Even the historic markers were stolen long ago and never replaced.

In this video we head down Sierra Highway, taking a detour through the abandoned Newhall Oil Refinery, and explore the history the history of Beale's Cut.

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I’m a retired truck driver. I loaded oil products out of that refinery back in the 80s. Very interesting video thanks for sharing


Hey, I’m a Long Beach native. Don’t often comment on the tube. But I like what you do. It’s important.


Once again, you've taken a bleak, barren and forgotten area and turned it into a vibrant historical gem.


I've lived in Southern California for 44 years, and I love history and exploring. Yet I keep learning about new places and stories at a steady pace. The world is big and marvelous beyond imagination. Thank you for bringing so much of it to us.


Thanks for posting this historic tidbit. It's sad that such important sites of the past are left to decay. You've done a fantastic job of researching and presenting this information...


Great job, Steve. I lived very close to the Cut from the mid '80's to '91 and remember the markers. It's also close to the hiding spot I used to duck into when (being young & stupid) attempting to evade the Sheriff for speeding on Sierra Highway. Got caught one day when the spot was blocked off and that Deputy was so excited he radioed other units excitedly yelling I caught her, I caught her. Apparently my Camaro & I had lost him a few times before.


Great episode! My Grandpa took us hiking up to that in the late 70s, and called it "Fremont Pass." I remember a lot of trash and graffiti, it seemed to be a place where high school kids would go to party. I visited it a couple of times in the late 80s as well. Apparently the Northridge quake filled it in quite a bit.

My Dad told a tale of an adventure my Grandpa took him on near there in the 50s. They walked into the Newhall side of the train tunnel from the valley. There are alcoves along the way for people to duck into if a train comes. Well, about 50 feet in, there came a strong blast of wind from a train entering from the valley side, and they ran like mad back to the mouth of the tunnel and that was the end of that adventure.


Tom Mix was my great grandfather's cousin, and I thank you for the great recognition and shout out regarding Tom. I have several old Tom Mix movies (on VHS tape), and I always wondered where Beale's Cut was located and now I know. Awesome video and great channel.


Thank you, Steve for taking me on your sidetracked adventures. I am disabled and can’t get out of the house much and I really enjoy your programming


Oil percolated out of the ground in many places in the LA region, the La Brea tar pits being the most famous. Really good video.


Forgotten Gateway to Los Angeles pretty much says it all, thanks for another historical video🤗😎🤗😎


The efforts you put into your videos is appreciated immensely. And the travel time by foot is grand. Love learning about old history and trying to imagine how many people trekked rough country. Which makes us where we are today. Thank you dearly for your thoughtfulness ❤ ❤


My parents took us to Beale's Cut back in the mid 60's. We hiked the cut from the entrance with the plaques all the way through to the oil refinery that was still in operation. It's a shame the area has not been maintained.


Thanks again for taking me back home to a place i used to go a long time ago. The place hasn't changed. Hiked over the mountains to Mission Peak down into the San Fernando Valley from there. Had a friend pick me up when I got down. Good Times.


Being guided through Americas first settlers history by you is so amazing! Well done Steve-
Love from Denmark


I grew up a couple miles away from this spot. My home was just off Sierra Hwy. The entire area has changed so much.


You're a great narrator, you have the perfect voice for it. You're very pleasant to listen to!


I remember when they blocked this off and took down the markers, so sad. My oldest kiddo did a report for school about Beale’s Cut, my other kids weren’t able to access the area. Thanks for the video!


Thank you Steve for taking my mind off of Hurricane Milton


Excellent as always. You're filling a good portion of the hole left by Huell Howser's passing more than a dozen years ago. This one gave me chills as I realized this must have been the route taken by my great grandparents when they moved from the Central Coast down to Los Angeles in the 1890's. This is now on my must see list for weekends. Thanks very much for the research and travel.

I half expected aged derelicts left from the Charlie Manson Family to appear at the abandoned refinery.
