Prophetic Prayer Explosion - Celebrating 8 Years- Dwann Holmes Rollinson - GICMP

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Dwann Holmes Rollinson

Prophetess Dwann Holmes Rollinson, is an award winning TV journalist and Emmy-nominated Producer, entrepreneur and media analyst with more than 20 years of media experience.

In April 2001 Ebony Magazine named her 1 of 30 future leaders of America aged 30 and under. Whether in the pulpit, conference hall or classroom, Dwann is a powerful speaker who brings prophetic revelation and kingdom insight to audiences of all ages and demographics, particularly those called to the marketplace and the prophetic.

As an Inspirational Speaker, Dwann has strengthened her commitment to be instant in season and to minister to the hearts of those who are hurting.

As a former broadcast journalist, she was accustomed to reporting the story but now she's called to tell her personal story regarding Christians & Divorce. A story that she speaks on from her experience of how her FAITH, has led her through a recent unexpected crisis to a steady place in the midst of the storm, which is detailed in her upcoming book, "Life Interrupted : 7 Key Strategies To Overcoming Difficult Times."

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