How to Design a Windows Form Project Using Microsoft Visual Studio and C# Code!

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This visual gives you a brief introduction to Windows Forms Projects Using Microsoft visual studio!

Check out my personal channel for more fun science content!

I start by showing how to create a new project in Microsoft Visual Studio as a C# windows forms project using .NET framework. This allows for a basic PC application to be built.

Next, once the project automatically is created and the default C-Sharp and Windows Form files are created. I show how to use the form builder library in Visual Studio to add buttons, radio buttons, checkboxes, labels and dropdown combo box menus.

We then go through each of those items and show how to use the interaction with the items in your C# code by updating labels to indicate what objects have been interacted with!

This is a continuation on the C-sharp tutorials I have been putting on the channel and a great start in building GUIs with C# and Visual Studio!

Don't forget to leave a like, subscribe to the channel and let me know in the comments below what you'd like to see more of on the channel!!

Thanks for watching and good luck with your code!
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I'm teaching an online C# course this Fall, and this video will be an excellent tool for the students to learn Windows Forms. Thank you!!


thank you this was great, please post doing different projects in general in c#... I'd like to see you connecting to a database as well


Yoou are a great teacher. better than my professor at my university. Good job!


Hello man, glad to discover your channel.
I am a newbie sql learner with a simple enquiry.
I was playing around visual studio and came across the term class.
When is class created inside a project and what it is all about?
Thanks a lot.


How would you setup a button to go to another form entirely. Like you see when you register for something. Like I am trying to design a 2 part App, that the main part belongs to the owner, then when new members join the club they will be able to download a 2nd part that retains to Members only, then the owner with the 1st App can monitor everyone that is signed in on the 2nd App. To monitor who is on his property and their location on the property.


Dude your a great teacher why did you stop making c# lessons??? :(. I have a hard time understanding {get, set} do you have any tips? :=)
