LS | Discussing the Current State of LCS w/ Gryffinn | C9 vs 100T

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its also really sad because they blocked content creators from cocasting, like caedral for example.


I feel that the problem with LCS is that 90% of the players have no personality and no fan interaction. Dardoch was always my favorite player because he put his all into the game and said what he thought (even if it was toxic.) Social media doesn't exist for some of these teams. Look at the number of likes Immortals get on their posts. I swear even the players don't interact with the teams account.😂


Players can definitely be one of the problems, in LEC there are B or C tier players who can get 2K average viewers streaming randomly in the morning, in their own particular language (supposedly less possible audience) People want to see themselves and their jokes and memes and cultures in the players, and that converts to people watching every game


As a 25 year old long time viewer of the LCS, there are some extremely simple things that they can do to bring back viewers.

1. Bring back LCS fantasy. It seems stupid, but me and my friends were never more invested than when they had an official fantasy platform back in 2015ish

2. Make the rewards for watching better. Watch a weeks worth of LCS? Here’s a skin shard.

3. Bring back relegation. I know this will never happen, but it actually made teams invest in development.


teams killing the interest in their brand by getting more and more imports, Riot killing hope for young talent a few weeks ago, players barely playing solo q, super expensive costs of living for teams leaving little to no air for spending on creative talent (at least I guess that's why), Riot not willing to split servers, even if population would be low (EU was plagued by server problem for years because "too many players for EU servers" and then upgrading when necessary), Owners treating spots like cryptocurrency...

There is more but people get the jist of it.


LCS has the issue that the all the teams aren’t good enough internationally and none of the teams want to put any effort into building the scene up to get better over time. So the players don’t stream so they can scrim one more time a week and the teams try to sign a single import to fix all their issues with the idea that if we just sign this guy we can do well internationally.


i love that gryffinn and i both said oh my god at the same time for the same reason at 9:42 lmao


Im reminded of something THorin brought up with Riot is that they seem to liek doing things their own way, ignoring the esport buisness trends from games like CSGO. Included stuff like how Riot doesnt support small tournaments anymore, its only the big regions


9:39 most interesting play in this game 🔥


There are no teams in LCS, just brands with some names they bought for the split.


Can we just mention, that LS missed, how Quid lost to the Shopkeeper by buying lost chapter, selling it and then getting the Rocket Belt?


At this point LCS videos are just topic discussions with LCS in the background


Ever since c9 kick LS i've never watched lcs live.


Im 24 and i genuinely couldn't be bothered to watch LCS. Id rather watch co streams for the banter.

I was most interested in the LCS around when IMT started their first team.


so true, back in the day people like dyrus and imqtpie got thousands of viewers


Wait, so you want me to care about a league that imports what, 70% of their players, have deeply onesided and extremely boring games, teams who never innovate anythinf and is also completely void of any interesting personalities?

Why would I want to watch that? Why? I watched the hell out of NALCS back in the days of Dyrus and Pobelter, Sneaky and Meteos, C9 dominance. Now the league is just a retirement home or filled to the brim by imports. I watched C9 in those two weeks of LS coaching. That was innovation and interesting. Then it returned to the dull, boring ways. And I left again for obvious reasons.


To attract 25-26 y/o to LCS (People exactly like me, grew up in teenage years playing LoL, haven't cared about playing it since ~S7-8 because of just how much it kept changing), the only thing you need is ACTUAL competition, and good game quality within it.

Franchising killed both of those things for good.

None of the teams feel like actual unique "teams", just a collection of entirely complacent random names, but most crucially there is zero reason to be invested in any upcoming talent either, because they'd be going into the very system that made it all uninteresting in the first place.

LCS just feels like an corporate buffet. Many different colours, but everything looks and tastes like wallpaper paste, and you're not allowed to bring your own food.


Riot: Needs more viewers
Riot: Knows the majority of the viewer base rallies over the content creators in/around the scene
Riot: doesn’t utilize them


Bro, Fudge's fistbump, you really didn't have to call my boy out like that 😂


LCs players barely stream. And any big streamer will tell you that the key to growing your brand and stream viewership is consistently streaming. Even if you do it 3 times a week for a few hours, that's fine. But getting a stream once a week if even just isn't enough to connect with your fan base. That's the reality.
