Angel's Egg (1985) Fantasy - Anime Review #93

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I'm not sure whether you mentioned it, but this anime film has only a very few amount of dialog lines. It makes every spoken word even more impactful.


What I think is that the angel that was inside the egg was about to heal the broken earth. But then at the end of the movie, there's no earth, it's just a floating device. My mind is not at peace! At all!


I once read that Oshii wrote the script with a certain technique called Flow of mind. Something like that. This technique means to focus on what comes to your mind without questioning it and then go with the next connection your head offers.


It's a hauntingly beautiful movie, I really enjoyed it but to be honest I had no fucking idea what it was about exactly 


I watched Tenshi no Tamago days ago, and since then everyday i woke up, i think about the movie and how amazed i was with the atmosphere it put us in...

I did the same as you did. i took note of all dialogue, and I cant help feeling so "messed up". but its a good "messed up", Every time i re-read, i think of how many ways those lines can be interpreted, what its meaning, etc.and that is really great. a work of art that makes you wanna devour it all to experience. masterpiece underrated, if I should say....

i was looking for videos the talked about this anime(very few) i happen to find ur channel, good channel


"Angel's Egg" is like the younger brother of "2001: A Space Odyssey" in Anime form.


In order to pick this film apart you definitely need to read up on Biblical referencesto water, fish, and of course Jesus. The most pivotal scenes, for me, were the conversations between the man and the girl, which almost come off like an inner dialogue between doubt and faith. It's interesting that the man has so many Jesus parallels when his words and actions are reflective of a skeptic.


Its kind of a sequel to Noahs Ark, after the flood and the world has been abandoned, at the end you can see that the whole island is actually the hull of a ship


Oh my gosh Bob, I literally just rewatched this movie last Saturday after seeing it for the first time a year and a half ago. On this second viewing I really approached the film differently than the first time and it left me with that same sense of entranced intrigue that you described feeling. I'm so glad you talked about this movie because it really is just completely unique and it's haunting world is definitely something more people need to experience. I agree that the meaning to this film really is something best decided by the viewer and I feel that the way it presents the story and reveals small details of information definitely lends itself towards allowing individuals to try and understand it from their own perspective. I'm definitely going to show this movie to my friends the next chance I get so I can see their own unique interpretations of its plot. Also, another aspect that really plays a part in making Angel's Egg what it is is the soundtrack. I've been listening to it this past week and I can't stop coming back to it. I love the dark, moody and occasionally terrifying atmosphere it creates and its definitely a component of the film that can't be ignored.


This Anime is a complete MASTERPICE for sure WOW:)


Oh wow, you just watched this!  That's super cool.  I watched this one right after NGE and EoE, so that was a great double feature for me.


I just watched this film recently. I liked it, but I can't help feel it was a bit pretentious. I don't think it's up to the viewer to make up their own story in their head. If that were the case, then anything could be anything. I see it as laziness on part of the director. I do still like it because of the atmosphere and uniqueness, but I'm not going to claim it has a great story. There were scenes that were needlessly protracted where nothing happened, like certain scenes in Evangelion. When that sort of stuff happens, I just see pretentiousness. But I did enjoy it more than Evangelion.


Finally came around to watching Angel's Egg a couple days ago. It really was interesting. Thanks for the rec, Bob :^)


Angle's Egg is the Eraserhead of anime


I always found this film was so much like 2001: A Space Odyssey and the Egg is so much like the Monolith. Everyone has these different interpretations for what they are and what they mean to humanity. The whole last third of 2001 where it turns into and acid trip is so much like the symbolism in this film. I think it was Satoshi Kon that once said something about how in animation everything is intentional, there are no mistakes. Everything was deliberately drawn the way it is, and the work is to figure out what is symbolic and what was done for aesthetic value.


I remember being so pissed at the ending. I have had way too many rants about it. It was a fantastic movie though. :D


Just watched this today - this was amazing in so many ways!

Solid Bob!


Your videos are great. Sometimes I have differentiating opinions from you, but your points are always valid. I just discovered you recently but I'm now hooked. I feel like just about anything you recommend is worth watching. Keep it up, and I hope you become huge!


Damn! Good review! I've watched it like 3 times myself and plan to buy it to watch it more!!! Such a great movie and a lot of meaning packed into an hour at least if you put meaning to as much as you can! I never know the guy said it was up to the viewer to decide that only makes it more interesting to me lol I wonder what THEY think when watching :P


The art looks amazing. I need to check this out!