Tips And Tricks For A Restful Night’s SleepBetter Sleep

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Inability to obtain good sleep is a common problem. In this video the surgeons discuss eight ways that you can try to improve your sleep. The information they discuss is based on recent scientific evidence and discussion with a sleep expert. They discuss sleeping in a dark, quiet, cool room. They discuss avoiding alcohol and caffeine, sleeping alone, avoiding devices and using a CPAP machine if required. Medication is also an option to reduce stress prior to sleep.

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The general information provided on the Video is for informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefore. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider properly licensed to practise medicine or general healthcare in your jurisdiction concerning any questions you may have regarding any information obtained from this Video and any medical condition you believe may be relevant to you or to someone else. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Video. Always consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program. Information obtained on the Video is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment.
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As a retired RN who worked with doctors for many years, I can attest to the fact that you both are the best. Your information is so helpful and your delivery is hysterical. Keep up the good work docs, we love you.


Thanks for all of this information! 70 year old lady here. My list for myself includes the cool room, melatonin, sleep in a different room than spouse (this was started years ago when I had a cold; we discovered that we both slept so much better that we never went back to sleeping together), eliminating ambient light, no caffeine after 1 PM, and no electronic devices an hour before bedtime.


This is near and dear to my heart. In the past I worked shift work and had to learn to cope. A floor fan in the room helps the room feel cooler but also provides a steady drone which helps mask sounds. If the room is quite warm, placing the fan up on something to blow the air across one's feet can really help to cool you down. Light blocking shades were a must for me and worked well. I learned to use soft foam ear plugs to take care of noise, including a spouse who snores, as well as my own snoring. I've been using soft foam ear plugs for 30 years and always get better sleep when I use them. Didn't need to sleep alone after buying a king size bed, plenty of room, plus the ear plugs equals a good night sleep. I have a small amount of wine twice a week but always 4 hrs or more prior to bedtime. No caffeine for 10 hours prior to sleep for me. Found that on a sleep specialists website, however, some people do not need the 10 hours lead time prior to sleep. Finally, no dang blasted TV, especially the news, prior to or during bedtime. Great video! Thanks.


Hi Docs.. you’re almost at 100k subscribers! On the serious side I had a sleep study done and was found to have 70 episodes a night, a scary thought. My Cpap machine has given me new life, sleep better, not drowsy, and I’m alert. It was the best thing that has happened to me, it literally I think saved my life. (Long time subscriber here!)


I bought a weighted blanket (15 pounds) and my room is cool (59 degrees) and semi -dark. I also drink water before bed. I also started taking my supplements in the morning. I don't have a TV in my room. I do deep breathing exercise and pray and be grateful for life. Thank you for another great video.


I had horrible insomnia for many years due to stomach problems. I started eating gluten free 10 years ago and low fodmap 1 year ago, and those changes in diet have helped me sleep tremendously. I didn’t want to take the Ambien and Zantac that my doctor prescribed, I prefer natural remedies if possible. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to make these informative and entertaining videos, you guys rock!


You guys are great. I cannot tell you how many people I have told about these '2 Canadian docs on YT' since I embarked on my total knee replacement journey. I am 7 weeks post op. My ROM is 0-127. I graduated from clinical PT last week (6 weeks total) and my surgeon told me last Friday that he would see me in a year unless I needed him sooner. Thanks for all the informative videos. Your humor is appreciated and needed when dealing with knee replacement surgery. My surgeon was incredible and my physical therapists were exceptional. During therapy I groaned a lot, laughed a lot and worked hard. Laughter is cathartic. Keep the videos coming.Have a great day.


Hello and thank you for the informative video. I've had insomnia for many years due to shift work and stress. 3mg eszopiclone has been a great help. The hardest part of trying to sleep is the tinnitus! Anyways, thanks for all your videos and your unending help fixing broken, worn out bodies!


I needed this video. There are days I have trouble falling asleep. I use melatonin for awhile, then weeks without. I do use a c pap. I can sleep 9-10 hr a night.
Going back to sleep specialist to see if there is a problem. I am not tired during the day, just when I am getting up. FYI, hugs to you both. 🤗🤗🤗


I absolutely agree that sleeping alone is better for sleep. The movements and snoring keep me waking up. I like cool, dark, quiet room, alone. One exception is that I fall asleep listening to Amazonian rainstorm. Soothing rain falling on leaves and soft thunder. I set it for one hour ( Portal offers it as a free audio ).


Having all tests & trying everything my Dr. prescribed trazodone for me. We realize everyone has a different body system & I really tried low mg but needed more. My health issues are alot & gone through abuse. Thank you for all your videos. Positive listening.


Good video. Confession time. When we go away on vacation I book the room with 2 queen size beds. I get the best sleep. Cool room is good. I downloaded a Nature Sounds and that knocks me out. I love you guys.


Excellent suggestions!

Another thing I do is this: Sleeping on your side with your head tilted slightly back, almost like you are receiving mouth to mouth resuscitation though with your mouth closed (again, NOT on your back; a contoured pillow helps here). This can open up your airways and make sleep easier. Just make sure you don’t overdue it because that can strain your neck.

That works for me, anyway. Results may vary with others, because I’m weird. 🤪


I was 37 when I quit smoking. Up to that point it usually took me 20 minutes to 1/2 hour to fall asleep. After I quit smoking, it now took me about 3 minutes to reach sleep. For the last 24 years I've quit drinking alcohol. During that time that 3 minutes has been shortened to about 1 minute or less. Unfortunately, being an older man. I wake up a couple of times to hit the washroom, but that one minute to fall asleep again is fairly regular. Stay safe & thanks Brian 81


I just love you guys. And yes I was watching this on my iPad while laying in bed trying to drift off 😴😴😴


You are both so very friendly and easy to learn from. Take good care of yourselves.


I find all of your videos helpful. Many thanks. And I like the reminder at the end of our own responsibility for our own health. My mantra if I wake up in the wee hours is "May I be filled with loving kindness. May I be well. May I be peaceful and at east." I repeat this until I fall asleep which doesn't take long. Stay well people. Be kind, Take care of each other. cheers


Good info. Thought for sure you’d mention getting exercise during the day to help get better sleep at night. Seems a sedentary lifestyle tends to increase likelihood of dysfunctional sleep.


Thank you so much for your videos. I depend on them for alot of info. Am recovering from total hip replacement surgery and facing another one when I'm strong enough. Thanks again for talking to us.


I am 64 years old and I can tell you this, in that time, I had ONE morning that I woke up and felt completely rested, full of energy and clarity. Almost a feeling of elation. I felt like I could accomplish anytrhing.The only explanation I have is that I was having a lucid dream just before I awoke. I have practiced trying to replicate lucid dreaming to see if that was the reason, but without luck. Most people I tell this story to, look at me like I am a loon but I remember that day, I will never forget it and if I could wake with that feeling just several times a week, I feel my life would have been much different.
