Ace of Base - Would You Believe (Music Video)

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Taken from the album "Hidden Gems" (2015), a collection of ten previously unreleased songs as well as five rare b-sides and bonus tracks recorded between 1991 and 2006. Video edit by Trace Adam. Expand to see more info, credits and links.

► Video edit by Trace Adam

℗ & © 2015 Mega Records, A division of Playground Music Scandinavia AB. #AceOfBase
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Linn always spreads out the sun when she sings.


Why Linn or Jenny? Why not both together? Their voices are the perfect mix... as only two Sister can do it!


To Ace of Base : take care and God may be with you.
To Jonas : you are a rock. Thank you for the songs and keep being creative. God bless your loved ones
To Ulf : For me you are the most handsome man but you took the wrong Johanna hahaha!!! I can live with that, cause i 'm happily married now.
To Jenny : Love you for always being strong and smiling beautiful woman. I wish the best to you and your family.
To LINN : I admire you for quitting. We didn't want to see you broken, but happy and hope your life is more beautiful now. I think people love you so much because you seem more beautiful inside than outside.
To Berggren family : mom and dad (in heaven) must be very proud of you.

We grew up with you, with very good and bright songs .Thank you for the memories - Kisses from Greece


Linn is the best ever. Thank you for the voice and the music. Always. For all times.
Love & Light to you ❤


Yes we DO want you back to stay. I've been a fan since day one, and it is so wonderful to see all of you together again. "Hidden Gems" is honestly one of the best albums in the Ace of Base catalog. It's just pure AoB from start to finish. Thank you guys for all the beautiful music.


Linn was always my favourite.

Hope you're okay Linn 😉

Heja Sverige, fra jeres nabo 🇩🇰🤝🇸🇪


простите, плохо владею английским.поэтому пишу на родном русском.Ваша группа в свое время, когда мне было лет двеннадцать, была самой любимой в моей стране и в моем городе, из всех зарубежных групп вы были самыми лучшими!..прошло много лет, я был студентом, и Вас снова крутили по радио, это было восхитительно! я до сих пор те песни напеваю!..мне сейчас тридцать семь, но все так же я обожаю вашу музыку, от первого альбома.до...до всего что вы делаете, очень жалею, что не могу увидеть Вас в живую где нибудь на дискотеке 90-х, или на РЕТРО фм...спасибо что Вы были и есть!


Ace of Base was probably my original favorite band. We listened to The Sign album so much! It's great to hear songs like this I never heard. Linn is one of my favorite singers!


This would've been massive! They should've released it, it's a great song, epic even. Everything about it is amazing. Their voices are perfectly matched to the song. It's pretty much flawless.
What a missed opportunity.


Like old times... Jenny and Linn and their heavenly voices :-)


I'm 44 yo and this is the first time I listen to this song and I love it.


I will always love you Linn! You were my first love, and i will never forget your blue eyes, and soft and sweet voice!!! :-(((


Ace of Base should hace never EVER dissolved... what an amazing group!!!


Can't express how much I love all of Ace of Base ❤️❤️❤️ beautiful music beautiful people. God Bless you all 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️💯✝️✌🏻


So underrated. Such a true GEM. I can't wait for Hidden Gems 2.


Beautiful and best song from last official Album of Ace of Base. I love the voice from Linn, she was/is THE voice of Ace of Base, after she didn´t like to sing as leadsinger of the band, they could not continue their old successes of first and second Album. Of course, Jenny has vocally improved on "Flowers" & "Da Capo", but she just does not like Malin. The exchange of both singers on "Golden Ratio" was a big mistake and for me is not a real Ace of Base album, the sales figures speak for themselves. It just remains to hope that Malin, wherever you are, decides to give us a comeback again with Ace of Base in original line-up and to record a new album.
It would be so great! Best wishes from Austria.


It's a fan made video, but I think is one of the best in quality edition. The lipsync is short but it match perfect. Great job.


So good. I want to listen to it over and over. And the rest of their music.


another of the good songs of ACEOF BASE ♠️♥️


One of their most underrated compositions...this scores a perfect 10 for me on ALL 4 parameters of the "Holy Four-ity" - Vocals, Lyrics, Background Score & Video.

Rarely hv I seen any composition with the Perfect Blend of All 4 things... 😊👍
