The Last of Us Kinda Sucks! 😓 #gaming #shorts

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Edited by Kean P. Galivan

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When I played The Last Of Us, I couldn’t get into it because of the setting. I liked the fungus zombies, but the problem I had was with the helplessness of the humans. Because they shouldn’t have been helpless. “You can distract the zombie by throwing a rock!” OK. Why can’t I just use what’s around me to kill it? “Oh you can! The bricks can be thrown at zombies!” Nononono. That’s nice, but not what I mean. I mean the abandoned cars, street signs, all this open rebar everywhere. You know what a car door could easily be turned into? A big shield. You know what a street sign could be converted into? An axe. You know what that rebar could be reworked into? Spears.

WHY AM I HELPLESS WHEN I’M SURROUNDED BY WEAPONRY? It wouldn’t have been as bad if we didn’t see metalworking tools and shops in several locations. I couldn’t get over the cognitive disconnect. I felt like a dehydrated man surrounded by bottles of fresh water. Took me right out of the story. Seriously. Go to the top of a skyscraper, and start dismantling it from top to bottom. You’ll be able to arm and build defenses for a community. Will you have to clear the building? Yes. But that’s not impossible, just difficult.


Honestly it makes sense that the last of us was the big game that made general audiences (specifically those who didn’t grow up with videogames) realize the potential of the medium cause the story is as universal as one can get, it is pretty much caveman times of you and your love ones traveling a dangerous land facing both beast and other hostile humans but with a Zombie setting to make it more modern and thus even easier to get yourself in the shoes of the protagonists. Sure it doesn’t have the grand spectacle of Halo or the well incorporated story gameplay link of something like Undertale but that just means there’s less to distract people unfamiliar with the medium from the core aspect of the story.


No, Silent Hill 2's story is a masterpiece, this game is nowhere near close that level. I like the TV show, its good and the first game is okay at best. I especially didn't like the gameplay, its not my cup of tea.


You could easily make a top 100 best video game stories list and not even need to consider either TLoU.


These games were honestly a pretentious and repetitive snorefest, trying way too little and pretending to be trying way too hard.
People just fell for the edge bait the same way they did for Dead Island 1, another game that didn't live up to its hype following its trailer.


You think it *kinda* sucks. *I* hate it with the burning passion of a thousand fiery suns.


It's honesty very sad that what should have been a one-and-done game became an overrated/overmilked media franchise with a divisive sequel and overrated HBO show.

Yeah, it's safe to that I have not cared for the Last of Us ever since Neil Druckman was given the helms to Naughty Dog...

He's such an awful person.


It also doesn't help that a lot of people think that the Last of Us TV show is the first GOOD videogame adaptation, live-action or animated.

On top of the fact that's not true as good videogame adaptations have existed since the 90s (oh but those aren't based on HIGH ART videogames like The Least of Us), it really doesn't have much merit when The Least of Us already felt like a typical American TV show, just with gameplay thrown in.

I don't hate The Last of Us, I do feel it does have some merit and I don't mind if it's still considered a "gaming classic" years later, but yeah, it is irritating how people treat it as the Second Coming of Christ and when videogames were FINALLY taken seriously just like Hollywood movies... by just copying Hollywood movies.


And I'll just wait for the comments and salt from TLOU fans. Granted I like this game fine but even I'll say I like other games more.


Even though I’m not big on The Last of Us, I still feel the problems that plague it.


This game shambled in storytelling (and a little bit of gameplay) so other games could run, even though a lot of games' storytelling ended up more like they could've been movies instead.

Seriously even Josh himself basically says that TLOU was better off as a TV Show instead of a game with "cover shooter" elements

Edit: Yeah, Metal Gear did it better, and it came BEFORE TLOU1.


Yeah it's basically just children of men, the road and 28 days later but told worse.


The only thing that's really interesting about this zombie outbreak story is that the undead were created by a mind-controlling fungus based off the one that controls bugs


What he said is everything I feel about this game. Was it worthy of prise? Maybe.
Like RE4 OG, did it deserve to be remastered so many freaking time that it's shoved in our faces about as much as Genshin? Hell the F No.


I like the first LOU but yeah there are plenty of other games that tell way better stories.

I.E. Metal Gear Solid, Yakuza, Judgment, Final Fantasy, Tales of, Fire Emblem etc.


Well the games and the show are a perfect way to be a bit serious on each character development 👌


I'm a big fan of the Dead Rising series and I hate to start a war between two fandoms but The Last of Us is partially responsible for it dying. When Dead Rising 4 was in production the team in charge decided to do a reboot in the style of the Last of Us. But when Capcom was told what they were doing they said no and told the team to go back to how Dead Rising had always been done, this led to the game being delayed which led to it being over budget which led to Capcom's high standards when it came to sales which when they weren't met caused Capcom Vancouver to get shut down. I do hope for a return to Dead Rising at some point but I know Capcom can be a little bit annoying when it comes to giving people what they want, if you don't believe me just ask the poor Megaman fans.


The last of us was a good zombie world setting, but the writing was suppose to lead to a shakespearian tragedy.

And in my opinion... Nope. Shouldn't have done that.
The final chapter of Last of Us 1 was suppose to make Joel more grey, but thanks to changes.. it makes Joel's choice correct.

But in my opinion. The choice should have been.
The treatment on Ellie COULD kill her. And if the surgery fails.. there is no treatment.
Ellie could still be immune, but insted of being "pointless"
It should been Joel going: "If they accidentally kill Ellie for this one hope.. they might doom mankind anyway.. they are rushing a cure to be the 1st to claim a cure for the claim of mankind."

This is where Joel could go: "You can't risk killing Ellie" and has to go in guns blazing. Making Joel more correct, but still... having Ellie in the wild would risk her dieing or being captured by a dictator who will kill her for the cure anyway.

Or... if you wanna go more stupid on the moral spectrum for a cool but silly twist.
Have "Ellie's brain mutation" be...
The fungal did take her over but became symbiosis, the Ellie who Joel is protecting isn't the human Ellie as that one is braindead, but the fungal infection who lives on AS ELLIE. (yep pulling a Prototype here)

But hey... the 1st game did some good!


Knowing what came out and got nominated when Last of Us first came out back in the day... I'm just going to say it, The Stanley Parable is a way better game.

Even before you criticized it back then, there always something that bugged me about the Last of Us. I think it could have been done much better.


Like I brought up in the full video of “Games That Fell From Grace”, The Last of Us of just couldn’t spark my interest from the get go either.

Bland realism, repetitive cover system (my feelings on it were the same as Josh’s opinion on Mass Effect’s cover system), basic and unimaginative lore, lamely forgettable story; this game means nothing to me!
