Afternoon Panel Session (Moderated by Dr. Philip Andrews-Speed)

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This is the Afternoon Panel Session at the Conference on "Governance for Sustainable Energy Transitions: The perspectives of the Asian Region" at Hong Kong Baptist University on 17 July 2017.

Moderator: Dr. Philip Andrews-Speed,
Senior Principal Research Fellow (Division Head),
Energy Studies Institute,
National University of Singapore

Panellists (from left to right):

Dr. Huang Ping
Postdoctoral Fellow
Barlett Development Planning Unit
University College London

Dr. Geoffrey Chun-fung Chen
Department of China Studies
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Dr. Akihisa Mori
Associate Professor of Global Environmental Economics
Kyoto University

Dr. Kevin Lo
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography
Research Cluster Leader in Energy Governance,
Asian Energy Studies Centre
Hong Kong Baptist University

Dr. Sara Fuller
Senior Lecturer
Department of Geography and Planning
Macquarie University

Dr. Sara Fuller
Senior Lecturer
Department of Geography and Planning
Macquarie University

Dr. Benjamin McLellan
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Energy Sciences
Kyoto University

Ms. Melissa Low
Research Fellow
Energy Studies Institute
National University of Singapore

Dr. Shinchiro Okushima
Associate Professor
Department of Policy and Planning Sciences
Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba

Moderator's Profile:
Dr. Andrews-Speed is a Senior Principal Fellow at the Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore. He has 35 years in the field of energy and resources, starting his career as a mineral and oil exploration geologist before moving into the field of energy and resource governance. Until 2010 he was Professor of Energy Policy at the University of Dundee and Director of the Centre of Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy. His main research interest is the political economy of energy and resource governance, at national, regional and global scales. He is currently leading a major research project entitled “Policy and Law for Nuclear Safety and Security”. Recent books include China, Oil and Global Politics (with Roland Dannreuther), The Governance of Energy in China: Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy, and Want, Waste or War? The Global Resource Nexus and the Struggle for Land, Energy, Food, Water and Minerals (with five co-authors).
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