Failure is Subjective #shorts

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Thank you, this message was right on time because I felt like a failure for my daughter's 15th birthday this past Friday. She said she had a great time with her two friends. But, I thought I had failed her because I didn't get the cake on time I wasn't able to make it for the movie because of work and I just felt all around like a poor mom. So thank you this message made me realize it was about her and not about me because she didn't care that I didn't come through she just care that I had tried.


Thanks for the reframe, I'm currently struggling with this so it's nice to have a point of reference.


10 kids? That's plenty for a party for children. I'm from the south.. I had a birthday party when I was young with like... 6 maybe 7 kids and that was plenty of friends and presents for me..😅 I had a blast. Your right. That's what really matters..


Great advice- judge the event by the quality of the person-to-person interaction not simply the number of people who showed up. Your Son has a great Mom.


This is what I needed to get through the week. I have been struggling with finding a job in my new field and have been feeling like a failure.

I understand that no matter how many no’s I hear that one yes will make them all go silent.


I struggle with acceptance and failure also but I plan some special events and try not to focus on what might happen.


Omg this happened to my little sister 😭 except NO ONE came from her class, it was all immediate family members who showed up. She was disappointed and let down so bad and we couldn’t help or fix it, it killed me inside and even though she is grown now she still feels it like she did on her birthday. She was in elementary and our mom had rented a jumpy place for an hour and the poor kid was completely let down. God I still wish I could go back and fix it for her.


“Failure is Subjective” I get it!!! Thanks


Exactly. This can also be seen in another way: if there are too many people there, you might feel left out and unable to connect with everyone there, so I totally see where this comes from.


this makes me think of a problem i’m having within my family. one of my nieces was sitting between my brother and our nephew. she said ‘this is cozy, why do i like tight spaces?’ and my aunt replied, ‘because you have autism’.

they did everything in their power to get her diagnosed with it and now they blame every normalcy on autism… it’s really sad and we don’t know what to do. she is such a happy little child yet they can only see that there is something all-defining about her and don’t understand that she can just live her life without them alienating her.


I learnt smtg new in this short, very cool


I put a party on for my daughter .. rented out the pool, only family came. We had invited her entire class plus. She still reminds me of it at times


My birthday falls close to Easter. My first real birthday party was age 6. My mom invited all of the new friends that I met in kindergarten. She ordered the big cake, had the decorations and games ready. None of them could make it because of the holiday. It was just my small family and an older cousin. I was devastated. I didn’t have another party until I turned 13, which was a great. As an adult reflecting on the lack of parties that I had, I asked my mom why she never threw me another party. She said that I told her that I never wanted another one. 😑 Thanks, Mom? I wish she would’ve had better parenting skills. My brother’s bday is near Thanksgiving, I don’t recall him having parties. Her birthday is near Christmas, so she had the same experience. Our birthdays were overshadowed by commercial holidays😑


Well I had a party for my son and a brother of an invited guest showed up. But my son is ok now. He doesn’t rely on friends. He went through a lot, came out ok. Not in societies standards but relative to his childhood years. Knows himself well. Is a really good family member, and has kept one friend over the years. I think what happened to him was equally painful to me if I don’t really want many people around me now.


My friend has her daughter for years I noticed that she has something off, the mother refuses to accept that, therefore there is no a plan with her. The mother made a Birthday party for Her knowing in anticipation that her daughter is not popular, open to people, social and besides the girl is not good looking, then she decided to invite her 5 (closest friends) only 1 showed up and dropped some small hot dogs and left. Her daughter ended up sharing on her Birthday party with 5 elderly that were invited. To me the mother made everything with good intentions but bad results. No need for the mother to put her daughter through out all of that drama.


I had a birthday party that came only my cousin and a neighbor, when i send 30 invitations to different kids. I hate birthdays.


I had a party where 3 people from school showed up. Although my whole family was there. So you know. Whatever. I still had fun.


When she was talking about her kid having a great time and it showed that happy boy with the balloon, there should have been a little subtext: “(not my son)”


And this is why we ask for rsvps and a deposit.


He noticed that the people he wanted to be there where there adult's like parties with large gatherings
