Worldview 3: Spirituality (Harnessing the Placebo Effect)

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The Placebo Effect, positive thinking, and an introduction to magick. Part 3/4 in a series on building a healthy, rational worldview.


Photo of colored pills: Sharon McCutcheon
Photo of tipped pill bottle: Jonathan Perez
Photo of water ripples: Lexi XU
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I see a lot of truth in this. It mirrors a realization I had recently about some of the "crazier" pursuits in metaphysics eg, reiki and witchcraft. Which is that if a person partakes in and believes in such a practice than they will see at least a bit of results. When compared with someone who does not believe and does not partake in the practices has missed an potential opportunity yet they tend to act that they have made the right choice. Interesting point Travis.
