Solving the quantum harmonic oscillator with ladder operators

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The quantum harmonic oscillator is one of the most important and ubiquitous model systems in quantum mechanics, which features equally spaced energy levels. In this video, we shall solve this quantum harmonic oscillator using a very elegant approach based on the so-called ladder operators. Starting from the classical harmonic oscillator, we discuss the mapping to obtain the Hamiltonian for the quantum harmonic oscillator. We then introduce the ladder operators and rewrite the Hamiltonian in terms of them. We discuss the utility of the ladder operators and their action on the eigenstates, and derive their eigenfunctions in terms of the ground state wavefunction. We derived the explicit expressions for the wavefunctions in this system, in terms of the Hermite polynomials.

Technical Content: Tony Low
Video Production: Katie Low, Tony Low

In 9:42, 1/(sqrt(n)-1) should be 1/sqrt(n-1). Thanks to @JohnVKaravitis.
Рекомендации по теме

Damn you summarized 3 lectures of 45min each into one clean video of 12min, thank you so much.
I couldn't care less about all the derivation given that I didn't even know what the professor even wanted to do with these operators. And even if I knew, I don't think I would've cared more than that.



9:40 Typo in denomintor for 1/sqrt(n-1)


Hlw sir I need this chapter solved exercise all problems solutions please help me sir
