How To Get Better At Goldens in Celeste! Tips & Tricks, Tools, Advice and More!

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Video dedicated to anyone that has ever asked me how I go about practicing difficult goldens and deathless runs. I tried to include as much useful information and tips in this video as I could but if I forgot anything or you still have questions just let me know in the comments!

Resources mentioned:

Outro theme: Suwako's theme - Native Faith

Intro: 0:00
How to start?: 0:27
Learning and Practicing Checkpoints: 0:55
Picking up the Golden and Low Deaths: 2:17
Getting Stuck and Mindblock: 3:30
Visual Cue's: 4:01
Useful Tools and Mods: 4:34
Strat Finding: 5:05
Getting Bored/Losing Motivation: 5:31
Mindset and Mental: 6:04
Working up to Farewell Golden: 6:41
What Maps Should I Golden?: 7:38
Outro: 7:55
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...That bit about practicing checkpoints *BACKWARDS* is actually really clever. I need to keep that in mind in the future!


Thank you, parrot dash for this simple and effective guide for acquiring a golden berry.
Anyway, time to start grinding for d1d7g


Great video!
People were needing one of those.
I was already planning to eventually make my own guide, too! I just work in this very slowly and I suck at producing stuff. ;_;


another thing I'd recommend is that for strats involving cycles, if you don't want to go off visual clues but just go as soon as you enter the room, actually simulate entering the room in practice by always going into the room right before and back into the current room. This way you guarantee that you are not on the death cycle (the position everything starts at after you respawn) rather than in entry cycles (position everything starts at when you enter the room), which can often be different, so if you practice with death cycles and then have an entry cycle in the golden, your strat might not work at all. This is particularly important for chapters 3 and 8, but also applies to some farewell rooms.
You can also use the re-entering rooms strat in actual goldens if you feel like you mistimed an input that would screw you up later to "reset" your cycles, starting the room over, or if you accidentally used a dash too early in Core and need it back. I'd also recommend making sure your strats with cycles are consistent by at least getting the room done 3 times in a row before adopting these strats.
Another thing that can massively help consistency in rooms with narrow gaps to dash through is to use a demo (crouch dash) on them. This will, the majority of time, increase the time window you have to safely dash through by making your hitbox smaller for the dash. You can bind this in the keybind options on PC, and I'm not sure if they implemented this feature into console yet.
Sorry for some of the not eloquent wording, I have an exam in 3 hours that I've been studying for the whole morning, and great video as always parrot!


My time playing extreme demons in GD has translated to golden berry grinding surprisingly well.


4A seems so easy but when I actually attempt to golden it I just choke out of nervousness


I was thinking about making a video about tips for no death death runs in precision platformers in general for a long time now. This was a very interesting watch and you explain a lot of the strategies I have developed as well over the years (and even some more that I'll definitely adopt ^^). I think this video will be a great resource for any future players interested getting into challenge runs! Now, there is one important topic you don't talk about and that is nerve control. For me, getting a hold of my nerves during longer runs is usually one of the most challenging parts and it's something I'm only very slowly getting better at. A good balance between being in the flow and doing short "nerve breaks" does it for me, but realizing when exactly is a good time to stop and to take some deep breaths takes a lot of experience. I'd love to hear how you deal with it. ^^

Also, if you ever feel like doing a follow-up video, I think a collection video of small routing techniques would be great (especially for new players). I'm thinking about a list of very concrete examples of normalized movement, like dealing with cycles, using screen transitions to your advantage, aligning pixels for setup etc.

Also also, best of luck with the platinum!


2 minutes old i definitely watched this whole thing


well, i started working on 7a golden today, so i hope that this will help me on my journey.
Thanks for the epic tutorial, Parrot!


Whats the map in the background that looks like Farewell (like in 1:34)


ngl i had a feeling that just watching your content over the last year was enough to learn your ways of goldening

i wish everyone (myself included) luck on our journeys


ok i finished the video! its actually a pretty good video! you make me want to attempt more goldens but at the same time they can get very annoying


So useful. I love these kinda tutorial type videos!


good and informative video :) process isn't clear or the same for everyone and in my own ventures i have come to learn I really need to be more thorough in my methods as a whole (not just goldens) but it will help to employ some of this advice in the near future.

also jumpscare 5:19 hiparrotdash


Love the examples used in the video, really highlights how critical thinking can be used to make goldens smoother


I've been wanting a video like this forever i have 8 soon to be 9 berries and i can't seem to progress any further and im glad i have the help i need


Ik I’m late but this was literally the perfect video for want I wanted to know xd


could you make a video explaining the consistency tracker mod, since it's overwhelming what all the options do and how it works


I guess I worked out almost everything you said from your streams 🙂. I am still not done with harder vanilla goldens, but I slowly progress to do it with less trouble, because of modded goldens practice. Nevertheless very good video how to golden maps 😉


I have a question how can i see the map while im playing modded celeste (2:24)

nvm i found it it's Fn + F6
