NATO is pretty much dead - Col Douglas Macgregor (ret.) on Ukraine and Russia | Blenheim Partners

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In Episode 139 of the No Limitations podcast Last Man Standing, Blenheim Partners’ Gregory Robinson speaks to Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.), Former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense.

In a thought-provoking discussion, which will no doubt generate significant debate, Douglas provides a commentary on the state of leadership in the wider world today. He turns to the major flashpoints across the globe, and he assesses the rapidly escalating conflict between Israel and other parties in the Middle East and the Russian war with Ukraine, sharing his perspective as someone who has endured the horrors and futility of war. Douglas also evaluates the likelihood of an act of aggression by China against its immediate neighbours such as Taiwan in the South China Sea. Returning to the United States, Douglas emphasises the need for cultural unity and the successful assimilation of new waves of immigration into mainstream society. He also touches on the need to act decisively to reduce the burgeoning government debt and the possibility of emerging nations embracing bitcoin to curb the influence of the United States dollar.

Douglas was first commissioned into the United States Army in 1976. During his 28 years of service, he was a leader of the 1st Squadron 4th Cavalry, the 1999 Kosovo Air Campaign, the Battle of 73 Easting during the Gulf War, and the offensive into Baghdad in 2002. By the time of his retirement in 2004, Douglas was a decorated veteran with several awards for meritorious service, including the National Defense Service Medal and the Army Commendation Medal. More recently, Douglas was the Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense, a position he held until then-President Trump left office. Douglas has written several books on military operations which have been the catalyst for profound changes in defense strategy in the United States and abroad. Douglas has also appeared as a defense analyst on Fox News, CNN, BBC, Sky News and public radio.

Please note: this episode was recorded on 14 August 2024.
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I met two young, clever German people in 2022 who when I suggested the UK supported by the USA was responsible for the destruction of Nord Stream 2 were personally insulted. It was outside their frame of reference. For that to be shown to be true would enlighten (and not necessarily in a good way) tens of millions of German people of voting age.

You have to ask why would Russia destroy Nord Stream 2? Ask Antony Blinken, too, but don’t expect an answer.


Thank you Sir for speaking the truth to power


You got to love this guy !!! The MAN speak the truth


Love listening to col McGregor such a knowledgeable man


How is it that such a learned, sensible, brilliant, geopolitically and historically educated man like Col. Douglas Macgregor is not listened to in Washington D.C? Luis from Argentina.


COL MacGregor is a great communicator——very knowledgeable. Thank you, Sir!!


Is Zelensky about to do a runner. He has saved his own skin at the cost of the loss of thousands of Ukrainians.


Let’s not forget: Speaking on the news **three days** after the invasion began, McG suggested that the conflict was already nearing an end.
That was 2 1/2 years ago ! Hence, his words carry little to no credibility.


This is a good bite size snippet of a much larger interview, perfect to whet the appetite and to share as an introduction to friends.


Col Douglas Macgregor, I thank you for your patience and that of Prof John Mearsheimer and Prof Jeffrey Sachs in explaining every day, for more than two years, what really caused the war in Ukraine and what the consequences of this war are for everyone . Every day, day by day, at some point everyone will know. Thank you very much.


Powerful... Truthful....The Colonel is a true GURU !!


Britain is on its last legs. This island is done and naturally Ireland has to suffer too by proxy.


This needs to be shown to everyone in the whole world!!!


America and its poodle Britain will remain hand in paw.


i am a fan of this knowledgeable and educated man, he brings so much knowledge to his discussions


Thank you Col. Douglas Macgregor for sharing your wisdom. Finally hear someone rational and informed and sharp.


Well NATO fell down recently and largely due to public opinion regarding Iraq. They could not have done a worst job there in terms of pr. I mean criminal acts there that everyone is aware of no matter what sort of nation building they were trying to accomplish. And so their reputation was destroyed. Normally when you screw up that bad you need to restructure, rebuild, modernize, accept that what you have doesn't work. Like sending in WW II equipment into a conflict where it is all seriously outdated. And we see the use of drones as being cheap and effective where tanks are big easily spotted by spy satellites easily targeted with missiles. Soon the 20 dollar missile will be taking out any tank.
And so the IMF and NATO both seriously outdated and need to be rebuilt.
I will tell you that 40 countries want to join BRICS, 140 are joining their money transfer system and it is only a month old.


Doug Macgregor speaks the truth! You've got to know the history of the region and he explains the facts and Russian aims very well. Sadly, the USA have other goals in mind but still don't realize that they can't reach them.


There are Many millions of Australians who think the same. Thank you for Telling It Straight to support those Aussies who can see our multi-ethnicity is what binds us in humanity of Peace. 1 John 2.6


The truth is very powerful, that's why the forces of darkness want to erase it.
