Are complex numbers vectors?|Mathematics|Sarim Khan

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Are complex numbers vectors?|Mathematics|Sarim Khan
Complex Numbers Introduction|Sarim Khan|@skwonderkids5047.
Are Complex Numbers Forced Upon Us? Multiplication in High Dimensions
Vectors|One Shot|JEE|NEET|Class 11|@skwonderkids5047.
class 12 maths vectors demanded question
Q3,4|Physics And Mathematics|HC Verma|Class 11|JEE|NEET|Sarim Khan., 5|Ex 3.2| Class 11| Maths|NCERT|@skwonderkids5047.
Find the angle between two vectors a and b having the same length√2 and there vector product is...
De-Moivre's Theorem on polar form of complex number. find value of (-1-i)^14.
Questions On Integration.
Prove that |2 -3,4 8|=28|@skwonderkids5047.|IE Irodov|JEE Advanced|@skwonderkids5047.
Moment of Inertia:Scalar or Vector?|Sarim Khan|@skwonderkids5047.
My Mathematics Books|@skwonderkids5047.
Vector Product
Interpreting Complex Numbers as Vectors|IE Irodov|JEE Advanced|@skwonderkids5047.
Complex Conjugates are the roots of polynomial equations! |@skwonderkids5047.,9|Ex3.2|Class 11|Maths|NCERT|@skwonderkids5047.
Demanded question 2|16/7/2023/Sarim Khan.
Q1,2|Physics and Mathematics|HC Verma|Class 11|JEE|NEET|Sarim Khan.
3.214 Irodov
Why cos x is the derivative of sin x?|Sarim Khan|@skwonderkids5047.
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