I Built A MASSIVE ZOO with Every Animal in Minecraft Hardcore

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I built a massive ZOO with every animal in Minecraft hardcore. Today in hardcore minecraft I build one of the biggest projects I have ever done. It has taken me 2 months of work from gathering materials, building finding and catching animals and so much more. I hope you enjoy the video =)

Seed: 2658626877189560424
Coordinates: -2904 69 1169

This Minecraft Hardcore Series is inspired by Wadzee, aCookieGod, Farzy, and Sandiction! It's Like a Minecraft Challenge series and similar to my 100 DAYS in Minecraft Hardcore but much better! :)

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Sorry for the wait everyone, this was honestly one of the biggest, toughest and most challenging projects I have ever attempted. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. What should I build next? ❤❤


I have seen many zoos in Minecraft, but this one by far looks the best. Not even close. I love your style!


The only thing I wish is that the Glow Squids got their own tank. Just imagine like a mysterious and ominous tank that's lit dimly lower than the rest in the aquarium. It could be so magical feeling


I kinda wish there had been a final part getting some glory shots of the finished zoo and maybe a before and after. That looked like a lot of work.


You should up date it and add camel and sniffer :) I’m glad you included the allay not very many people included it.


This is such a breath of fresh air seeing a minecraft zoo that isn't just the bare minimum space and detailing in little cubes in some cave. It looks phenomenal too! Keep up the good work ^^!


Yes!!! The wolves will shake off the water if they got wet. They also are a darker gray when they are wet. It’s an animation I’ve always known them to do.


Trader llamas need to be tamed to be persistent creatures (thus kept). Love the series.


this guy is pure artist. he needs an award. amazing work


The fact he does this in survival is just so amazing!


Your builds are amazing, glad I saw this vid in my recommended.

Two things you should know:
1. Turtles will only begin hatching if you don't sleep through the nights

2. Dolphins will drown themselves if you're out of range for their A.I to pathfind and resurface. (So it's kinda pointless having them as they'll due anyways). 😬


If you have a Channeling Trident, I'd recommend breeding the Mooshrooms and using lightning to turn the new ones into Brown mooshrooms (probably better to do outside of the Zoo, so you don't accidentally kill any of the other ones)


You missed bats. I was hoping to see some bat representation as bats were the first mob I ever added to the zoo I'm making on my server, and they were a bit tricky to get since there's not a lot of info on them. But your zoo is far superior to mine in every other category. Thanks for the inspiration, especially on the allays. I wouldn't have thought to include them in a zoo. <3


I genuinly think this is the coolest Minecraft Hardcore challenge I've ever seen. It's such a great combination of insane building, but also has that videogame completionist vibe with collecting all the mobs.


Not sure if you will come back to the zoo but there are some variants of mobs specific to different biomes. Like desert bunnies, snow bunnies, and snow foxes. They could all have their own enclosures to add some more variety. Also not sure if you will be moving your world to the new update or not but if so it would be cool to see some camels and sniffers :D


Looks amazing! I can see how it took two months!

Edit: If you want to be able to buy unlimited name tags without the villager's trades locking, you should look into ianxofour's voidless void trading setup. It's super easy to put together in a single player world, and it'll save you so much time and effort.


Great zoo Nerd! Only thing I would've made the panda's enclosure more of a Chinese style since they are China's national animal, but overall I don't mind the Japanese theme on it! Great work as always :)


There's only one word for it - WOW. Now that's dedication! Such patience in searching, trapping and dragging all those animals. And you have such an entertaining way with the dialogue too. I laughed when you named one Jon Bon Jovi. If you ever get the urge to do a tutorial again, the Parrot Enclosure would be a great one.


2:37 At the zoo in my state, there’s a big bridge connecting the entrance to the zoo with a walkway made of bricks dedicated for people who donated/passed away. I don’t believe that was your original intention, but that’s what it reminded me of, so I thought it was super sweet. 💙


This is art, one of the best minecraft zoo builds I’ve ever seen, hats off to you
