EquiLearn Virtual Roundtable: School Leaders' Responses to Combat Hate

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This virtual roundtable explores school leader responses to race- and religion-based hate crimes, and asks: what kind of preparation is needed for leaders to respond to these incidents? What responsibilities to school leaders have before and after these incidents occur?

In this virtual roundtable, equity-oriented practicing school leaders and professors of educational leadership will discuss:
1) steps school leaders have taken to proactively create environments where these incidents are not tolerated;
2) responses that school leaders have taken when these incidents have occurred;
3) responsibilities of leadership preparation programs in preparing aspiring school leaders to respond appropriately to these incidents.

This roundtable will provide information about how to create school communities where hate crimes are not tolerated, how school leaders can respond to these kinds of incidents when they occur, and provide guidance for what school leadership programs should consider including in their curriculum.
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