Are we on the cusp of Marvel Fatigue?

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Disney+ Day brought a deluge of announcements for all these Marvel based shows coming in the next year or two. And for the first time I found myself asking... is this too much? Have we finally hit the Marvel saturation point? And if so... what will come of it?



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I checked out after Endgame. It was a satisfying ending for me. There's just too much stuff going on for me to keep track of with Marvel now.


My fatigue came early. I have been fan of the comics my whole life, but I proper checked out when I saw that the Infinity Wars were going to be extremely long and in two movies. I'd never gotten into the shows, it was too much content for me. Fiction is not my favourite thing tho, so I check out pretty quickly in general, especially in movies & tv.
I think it didn't help that my prospects at the time for my favourite properties were overall not the best. Loki, Quicksilver, Hawkeye, and the X-Men were not having the moment they are having now, so my motivation to watch was low. I have been considering watching some of the series bc of those characters, and would watch the hell out of anything doing a proper House of M and Son of M adaptation (esp Son of M).


I thought Disney shut down the cable channels?

Edit: 7:14 the fatigue has already sunken in I see.


I have to admit I'm feeling a little burnout. Like lots of people here Endgame seemed to be a terminus for me. I love Marvel but I had no real drive to see Black Widow, who, they ruined by killing or Shang-Chi who I had never heard of personally. I'll most likely watch both at some point but It's not calling to me like the other movies did. I'm very uninterested in the next Spiderman flick because they gave away Peter's identity which was even more annoying to me than Ironman giving away his. I'm not fond of main characters being killed off constantly either.

To be fair, the ONLY thing that interests me on Disney Plus is Moonknight because he was one of my favorites. I hope they put out DvDs/Bluerays after it's done because I don't really want to get Disney Plus. Watching that much Marvel, especially if not great, will just turn me off totally. I hear some shows/movies might even be rated R which is so unnecessary and makes it harder for kids to enjoy (though I know a lot will see them anyhow). We will see, but right now I'm just not into them as much...


Wait there's an Agatha show? Oh jesus christ...


I was at Marvel fatigue long before the tv shows were announced. Endgame felt like a good time to close the chapter on this part of my life, and it was.


In my opinion, something that unfortunately “helped” avoid MCU fatigue was the pandemic delays for the films.

PS: that is why I think they are doubling down on the D+ series as well, to keep pushing content, in case there is another scenario where cinemas won’t be able to open.


It's not that it's too much, necessarily...
It's that after Endgame, there isn't anything driving the narrative. It's really all over the place.
After seeing Kang/ "He Who Remains" in Loki, I think he's conceptually a sound idea, but the character's presence left me wanting.
I think Marvel's playing it wrong. As opposed to (holistically) really honing in on some smaller stories about rebuilding and not *trying* to top Endgame (think Buffy Season 6) they're going, bigger, /bigger/, *BIGGER* right away with this multiverse thing.


9 projects in 1 year is definitely too much.
(4 movies, 5 shows) I've never considered myself an MCU fan. I just watch (some of) it because my friends like it and I don't want to be left out of a conversation.
I watched Shang-chi when it came to Disney+ last week and it was entertaining but god they need to change up their 3rd acts. MASSIVE DULL CGI MONSTER BATTLE is not interesting at all to me. And how does something as expensive to make as a marvel movie look so bland visually? I'd love to see what they'd do with like half the budget. Find more interesting ways to problem solve and achieve their vision rather than just throwing money and VFX at it to make it go away.
In terms of other franchises I love star wars, and I think 1 movie a year was fine but god help me if they ever do 3 or 4 movies a year I'd definitely get sick of that. And in terms of shows 2022 will be a real test because as of now there's 4ish shows scheduled for release.
The Book of Boba Fett (7 of 8 eps are 2022)
Obi-Wan Kenobi limited series (6 episodes)
The Bad Batch Season 2 (16??? episodes)
Andor season 1 (12 episodes)
The Mandalorian s3 (maybe) (8 episodes)
That's a total of 49 episodes of Star Wars content.
Maybe I will become fatigued with it all maybe I won't but since its a franchise I actually care about... it'll be an interesting experiment I guess.


What annoys me with Marvel right now is the constant "setting things up for later" thing that happens whenever they introduce new heroes (perfect example : the eternals, they spent so much time on that that the story lines were sloppy and most of the characters bland), but the shows give us more space and time to ACTUALLY explore the characters and story lines before (eventually) rejoining the "setting things up" team. So that's why I'm actually glad that they are going to make more of those, and it could be even better if some characters never make it to the movie because then they wouldn't need to introduce stuff for later movies that we'll see in 5 years.

Overall, I just want good stories and good visuals that's ALL I'm asking for.


I haven't enjoyed a post endgame movie yet. I found Endgame a little too self congratulatory, as well.

I prefer the shows, but have felt the endings have been underwhelming, except for Loki that ended on a cliffhanger.

I was pretty defensive of the quipy dialogue at one point, but I am so sick of new characters speaking like billionaire playboys. To keep me invested, I need the film's to feel unique, to play more with genre and have the third act not succumb to a spectacle fight scene.


I think Disney+ is currently in an era of overloading their platform with new content based on old content so the influx of Marvel shows is an extent of that. Basically they're expecting smaller audiences but making stuff going in every direction so they get every demographic subscribed to their network


I am afraid I have been Marvel-fatigued for at least a year. I find their movies very formulaic and the shows that I watched (Loki and Wandavision) I didn't really like very much...


Personally for me, since I’ve been a marvel fan ever since I was introduced to it as a child (this was still pre-MCU), with Iron Man coming out when I was 7, I still adore it and it excites me to see what will be coming. But frankly the only way this will be able to stay fresh is a diverse range of characters of diverse origins, think Black Panther, Shang-Chi, Captain Marvel, etc. The plots just need to stop being as formulaic, which I feel the shows have a greater chance to escape than the films, so the shows actually excite me more than the films rn. The shows have even suffered when trying to make it more formulaic like making Agatha a flat out villain, for no discernible reason, other than “I want power”.


I'm over Marvel at this point. The MCU started to bore me before Endgame even. The Marvel formula is to, well, formulaic. After 10 years and more than 20 movies, it's become dull and predictable. I will catch No Way Home but ONLY for the villains from the older movies.


I can give you the perspective of someone who only THIS YEAR started to watch Marvel movies well, I'm already tired of it 😥
I watched all the tv shows as well and I feel fatigued just by hearing about all the new stuff that has to come out. It just all feels like too much, even to a fresh new viewer like me


Yeah, I have no interest in another season of “What if…?” and even less for its *Zombies* spin-off.

The Disney-era Marvel toons have been, at best, kind of lame. And a chore to sit through.

Nor do I have any interest in an *Agatha* spin-off. Catchy song aside, I thought she was the weakest element in *WandaVision* as the series didn’t need a villain oThEr tHaN Wanda (and it certainty wasn’t “Agatha all along”…)

Come to think of it, I’m not really looking forward to *Hawkeye* either. (Jeremey Renner is, IMO, the David Schwimmer of the Avengers. Just kind of dull. And irritating.)

And, as much as I don’t wanna admit it, *Shang-Chi* aside, even the movies have been very… unremarkable, as of late. *Captain Marvel* and *Far From Home* and *Black Widow* were all so… bland, and instantly forgettable.


It's so weird watching a video like this as someone who casually observes the MCU from the outside. I haven't watched anything from the MCU in yeeeaaars. Not because I got sick of it or anything, but really because I found other stuff to watch and didn't feel the need to keep up with the MCU as much.


You seemed to miss out a key aspect of why Disney is putting their big brand content on Disney+ rather than regular TV, and that's the reality that people just don't watch regular TV anymore. In the US more houses have internet connection than TV connection. In the UK, more people than ever before are not paying their TV license. Viewing figures, even for well-received and highly-viewed shows, have been on the decline the last 3-4 years. Marvel aren't putting branded content on Disney+ to bolster the service, they're using the service to bolster the branded content. If they're putting things on TV, they're almost always animated (and therefore cheaper to produce than most other shows), low-budget, unbranded and experimental. If it works, they can move it into focus onto Disney+ and if not, they lost virtually nothing in appealing to a dying medium.


I'm not tired of the movies at all but I was already overwhelmed by all these TV shows before Disney+ day happened.
