Count plants with a Drone, AI and Computer Vision | Does it really work?

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Have you ever thought about applying AI and Computer Vision to the Agriculture industry?

In this video, I show you the 4 main steps required to build a project with AI and Deep Learning that can detect, count, and save snapshots of broccolis crops from drone footage.

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►► You can Build a Computer Vision software to DETECT and TRACK any Object.


Hey Sergio! I am making almost the same thing, but when the drone is taking a turn there are lanes through which it goes again, and the plant saplings are counted again on that, how can I fix it?


Thank you for sharing this wonderful use case with us. I have a couple of questions though: 1. I believed that you have applied YOLO to the object detector which returned the bounding box for training a custom deep learning classifier or feature extractor. Could you please specify which one of them is? In my view, applying the transfer learning and a legacy mL model such as Random Forest model might help such case a lot. 2. I was wondering how fast this model classifies one object w/wo cuda-ready device. If we only have resource-constrained environment, I doubt the performance of the object detection and classification. Even if we have cuda-ready device, it might be hard to detect hundreds of crops in one frame. That was probably why your drone was set to detect around ten crops each time. Please correct me if I was wrong.


what type of drone did you use for this. Do you load and run the program on the drone itself or on a remote computer ? Please advice.


Hello Sergio. This is very good work. About object tracking... what if drone will turn around and will go back over the same plants, does it means that same plants will have same IDs as before? Would it be just easy to count plants like this (max(id)-min(id)+1)?


Bravo Sergio. Bel case. Saluti, Marco


Hello sergio, thanks for the great work. I have a question. As a student I'm currently working on this project, the purpose is to count fruits on trees. The drone flies on the orchard taking pictures of multiple apple trees. How can I make the algorithm detect each tree and assigne to it the number of apples it has. Thank you 🙏


thank you for knowledge and please make for some situation such as for public works that want to detect something .it's unique in different locations so if you have some solution to make it easy to input photos for update database.


Thanks for sharing this great tutorial.
Is it possible to access the video without processing the plants bush?


Hello Sergio! Thanks for this great work.As a student working on this project, the purpose is to count the riceplants and detect panicles inside each plant in the field using UAV multispectral imagery.How can i make the algorithm to count the rice plants and detect the panicles?Can u give me any suggestions for these.


Hello. I did a project called Estimating the weight of lettuce from its projection area. I used MATLAB for this. I took multiple pictures and used this data. Can I also estimate weight from video footage? Can you cite a helpful resource on this?


Hello sergio, what drone do you use ?


sir can you give the link of the video are using


Hello sergio, first of all you are doing great work... I am working on a computer vision object detection project, everything is perfect, but i am facing the issue of low processing because i am working with stored video... Is there any way to speed up the processing in computer vision...


Hallo pysource, I wants to make my project autonomous fruit extract by plants, how I make my project please 🙏 give information


Hello Sergio;
first of all thank you so much for your time and for your effort.
in my case i want to start with object detection, at this time a question puped up in my head.
"" for labeling data if we have one million data and we need to label all of them should we do the same process you did for one million object ?"
if there is any suggestions please tell us, ( its just a simple question ).
so, thank you again for your question man we are waiting for news.
we love you
good luck.


how to save the position of the motion camera in python


Awsome! would really like to learn this, but I don't have a budget for it.


Wow very nice. Can you share this video made in drone?


how to save motion camera position in python
