Relaxing Blizzard, Fireplace, Wind for Rest, Sleep Better, fall Asleep, from Insomnia, Deep Sleep

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Relaxing blizzard, fireplace and howling wind will help you to relax, help you sleep better, fall asleep quickly, get rid of insomnia, give you deep sleep. If you have insomnia and sleep problems, then the pleasant sounds of snowfall and crackling sounds of the fireplace will be useful to you and will improve your mood and overall well-being. Deep sleep will come quickly after watching this cozy winter video with relaxing snowfall.

Story line:
" I woke up in the middle of the night from the sound of a strong snowstorm outside the house. I looked out the window, what I saw looked eerie. Outside the window there was a solid blanket of snow, from behind which a pine forest was slightly visible. The wind was so strong that under its influence the tops of the tall pine trees were bending all the way to the ground. The snowdrifts were so high that it seemed impossible to walk through them. I realized that even going outside was dangerous now. I turned on the radio and to my surprise I heard the announcer's voice warning of an approaching snowstorm. The announcer recommended covering all the windows with curtains, and if possible, covering them with something heavy so that a branch accidentally falling from the wind would not break them. He also said that we should be prepared for similar weather for another 3-4 days. He recommended not to go outside, even if absolutely necessary. At this point, the radio broadcast was interrupted and the radio receiver went silent. I realized that the weather could get even worse. Luckily, I had a large supply of firewood, water, food and other essentials like batteries, kerosene and matches in my house. I decided to board up the windows from the inside so that they wouldn't get broken by a branch. And then I moved to the basement, which was equipped as a room. Although there were several small windows here, I felt safe. I lit the fireplace, and after 10 minutes it was warm and cozy. I lay down on the bed, and then crawled under the blanket. It was cold at first, but I quickly warmed up under it, as it was downy. I also took my cat Lucy with me, she also liked it here. I couldn't fall asleep, apparently I interrupted my sleep. The sounds of the snowstorm also reached here, but here in the basement it didn't scare me, but on the contrary, it gave even more comfort to this place. I decided to make myself some tea and just sit by the fireplace and dream. I didn't even notice how an hour and a half had flown by. I had already finished my tea, and my eyes were gradually closing. I threw a few more logs into the fireplace, then climbed under the blanket again, and I didn't even notice how sweetly I fell asleep. "
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I want to go to sleep every night with stormy sounds. I am a rain, snow and wind lover!


You and your cat are very warm and comfortable inside near the fireplace
resting and being very comfy in the nice warm bed, have a very nice weekend
everyone and good night y'all.🌨🏘🌨


Wind sounds, juat like rain sounds, heal the soul 🤗


Такой милый домик с прелестным мурчащим котиком! Спокойной ночи!


Truthfully, Thank you for making a film that looks like a garage apartment. People live in all different kinds of homes. I had a garage apartment for three months, I loved it. Very cozy and comfortable. May you and your work be blessed . Your work calms my nerves, when nothing else can. 💯💯


So cozy. My ideal hideaway
Love the cat, so peaceful ❤


Sigh, your videos always bring me peace. Thank you ❤


The wind is just right for me I enjoy it.


thank you for your sound that brought me sleep


Great little story. Enjoy the cat 🙀 .very talented with all the chaos around something soothing and enjoyable. Thank you for what you do


wow, fit a bit in there considering its small. At least there's a cat!!


Что то очень новенькое))) Необычный дизайн окон, очень пышная кровать, старые бревна и многое другое


I love this. Will you be doing a Christmas theme one soon?


Blizzard winds are too loud. Need to cover the windows with boards.
