How to light Palo Santo for smudging and cleansing your space
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STEP 1. Hold the smudge stick as far from the end you are going to burn as possible while ensuring you’re holding it securely.
STEP 2. Light your candle, match or lighter and hold the smudge stick at a 45-degree angle over the flame. Let the smudge stick burn with flame for about 45 seconds before gently blowing out the flame so that you’re left with orange embers on the lit end.
NOTE: Palo Santo sticks will extinguish itself every 30 - 45 seconds (approximately) and will need to be relit repeatedly throughout the smudging process.
STEP 3. Begin the smudging process by cleansing yourself. Take care to keep a safe distance from other people and objects, move your smudge stick through the air around yourself, and visualise any negative energy leaving your aura. Remember to smudge around your feet, behind your back and over your head as well as down your arms and legs. Some people prefer to start from the feet and work upwards to the head. Stay present with your breath and move slowly and consciously. You may wish to spend a little extra time over any area that is holding physical pain or discomfort.
It’s recommended you say a prayer, incantation or affirmation while smudging. Examples include: “Air, fire, water, earth. Cleanse, dismiss, dispel.”
Or this (particularly beneficial if cleansing negative spirits):
“Negativity of this my sacred space, I banish you by the light of my grace. You have no hold or power here. I stand and face you with no fear. Be gone forever you will obey, From my sacred space you must away.”
Or an affirmation such as this: “My energy is now cleared of anything other than that which is needed for my highest good. My aura now radiates brightly, clearly and in a balanced way.”
STEP 4. Once you have smudged your body, begin to move through the space you wish to cleanse. Gently waft the smoke into all corners of the room, across doorways and into shadow spaces such as beneath furniture and behind objects. Remember to smudge the bathroom and toilet, including behind the toilet bowl! To maintain the atmosphere of ritual, keep repeating the prayer, incantation or affirmation you’ve chosen, adjusting the words accordingly.
NOTE: While moving around the room, be mindful of any ash that may drop from the smudge stick. This is particularly important when using a smudge stick made from sage. The ash can contain embers which can cause fires. It can be helpful to carry your fire-proof container with you as you walk around for the ash to drop into.
TO COMPLETE THE SMUDGE: Once you feel the space is sufficiently cleared, allow the smudge stick to either burn out (if using Palo Santo) or gently press it into your container of sand or water until fully extinguished. It’s best to leave it in the container for a while afterwards until you’re confident the flame has been permanently extinguished, as sometimes the heat from a sage smudge stick can remain within the inner leaves, causing it to relight unexpectedly. After some time, close your doors and windows again. You may wish to mist a natural essential oil spray around the space to add additional scent and healing energy.If you feel inclined, it’s often beneficial to follow the smudge with a creative process, such as journaling or meditating. Enjoy the new, clear energy you have created!
STEP 1. Hold the smudge stick as far from the end you are going to burn as possible while ensuring you’re holding it securely.
STEP 2. Light your candle, match or lighter and hold the smudge stick at a 45-degree angle over the flame. Let the smudge stick burn with flame for about 45 seconds before gently blowing out the flame so that you’re left with orange embers on the lit end.
NOTE: Palo Santo sticks will extinguish itself every 30 - 45 seconds (approximately) and will need to be relit repeatedly throughout the smudging process.
STEP 3. Begin the smudging process by cleansing yourself. Take care to keep a safe distance from other people and objects, move your smudge stick through the air around yourself, and visualise any negative energy leaving your aura. Remember to smudge around your feet, behind your back and over your head as well as down your arms and legs. Some people prefer to start from the feet and work upwards to the head. Stay present with your breath and move slowly and consciously. You may wish to spend a little extra time over any area that is holding physical pain or discomfort.
It’s recommended you say a prayer, incantation or affirmation while smudging. Examples include: “Air, fire, water, earth. Cleanse, dismiss, dispel.”
Or this (particularly beneficial if cleansing negative spirits):
“Negativity of this my sacred space, I banish you by the light of my grace. You have no hold or power here. I stand and face you with no fear. Be gone forever you will obey, From my sacred space you must away.”
Or an affirmation such as this: “My energy is now cleared of anything other than that which is needed for my highest good. My aura now radiates brightly, clearly and in a balanced way.”
STEP 4. Once you have smudged your body, begin to move through the space you wish to cleanse. Gently waft the smoke into all corners of the room, across doorways and into shadow spaces such as beneath furniture and behind objects. Remember to smudge the bathroom and toilet, including behind the toilet bowl! To maintain the atmosphere of ritual, keep repeating the prayer, incantation or affirmation you’ve chosen, adjusting the words accordingly.
NOTE: While moving around the room, be mindful of any ash that may drop from the smudge stick. This is particularly important when using a smudge stick made from sage. The ash can contain embers which can cause fires. It can be helpful to carry your fire-proof container with you as you walk around for the ash to drop into.
TO COMPLETE THE SMUDGE: Once you feel the space is sufficiently cleared, allow the smudge stick to either burn out (if using Palo Santo) or gently press it into your container of sand or water until fully extinguished. It’s best to leave it in the container for a while afterwards until you’re confident the flame has been permanently extinguished, as sometimes the heat from a sage smudge stick can remain within the inner leaves, causing it to relight unexpectedly. After some time, close your doors and windows again. You may wish to mist a natural essential oil spray around the space to add additional scent and healing energy.If you feel inclined, it’s often beneficial to follow the smudge with a creative process, such as journaling or meditating. Enjoy the new, clear energy you have created!