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Rok 2024 je rokem Bastardů. Vydali jsme debutové album "Old Tavern Tales", odjeli naprosto úžasné minitour k poctě svatého Patrika se skvělými kapelami a tak Vám z něj naservírujeme i videoklip. Protože na tohle nikdy nechceme zapomenout!
Hey you! Have you ever had that night when you come home in the wee hours of the morning and when you wake up you can't remember what you did last night?? This one is about something like that... Enjoy!

Nahráno v listopadu 2023 ve studiu AB records ve Škrdlovicích.
Použité záběry ze St.Patrick´s tour 2024
9.3. Třebíč - Béčko
14.3. Praha - Cross club
15.3. České Budějovice - Rockle klub
16.3. Plzeň - Divadlo pod lampou

Vytvořil: Martin "Ekšn" Látera

Kubajz - lead vocal, harmonica
Annie - bagpipes, tin whistle, flutes, vocal
Miloš - accordion
Vojta - guitar, mandoline, vocal
Frenk - bass, vocal
Michal - drums

Hey you!
In the dark
Why you strolling through the night
Hey man
Who are you
Where’s the way to tavern I am asking you
Hey friend
Don’t you know
Where can I find my dudes
Lost words
Golden light
Suddenly I'm in the fight
And now
Eating dust
Drink the water now I must
Hey lads
Wake him up
He can not stand he rests in mud
Any whiskey?
Any beer?
Not the vodka that’s my fear
Long road
Another town
Dirty streets busted by clown

Yoooohohooo, bring the water for a thirsty man!
Yoooohohooo, bring the water for a thirsty man!

Hey there!
In the dark
Searching for a shiny spark.
Hey man
City's beat
Finding answers, don't retreat.
Hey friend
Let´s pretend
We'll find our way through town
Hidden fears
In my mind
I'm searching for a final sign.

He walks out of the shadows
the sound of his prayers echoed in the crooked streets
Then he saw it! A tavern! He opened the door and said!

Yoooohohooo, bring the water for a thirsty man!
Yoooohohooo, bring the water for a thirsty man!

#tour #debut #thirsty
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