Beyond Thought ~ MANIFEST ANYTHING ~ Listen While You Sleep Meditation
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Beyond Thought ~ MANIFEST ANYTHING ~ Listen While You Sleep Meditation
Intro: 0:00 - 5:58
Manifest Meditation: 5:58 - 28:31
Positive Affirmations: 28:31 - 3:00:00
Everything starts with a thought, then the world unfolds itself from there. Now, this idea isn’t just some magical fantasy made up by people who believe in the law of attraction and manifestation. This idea that everything originates from our thoughts is the most researched idea in psychotherapy.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the gold standard for psychotherapy and posits the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all connected. You see, all of our lives play out in a cycle of occurrences. It is like an endless loop that plays itself out until we die, every new loop feeding off the previous loop and all the ones before it.
First, life presents us with a situation. From there, we must interact with that situation. There is no avoiding it because inaction is just another form of action. So, once we are presented with a situation, the very first thing that happens is thought. Thoughts appear in the mind. This is how we perceive the situation that has been presented to us. Then, only when those thoughts arise in the mind are we able to develop feelings about the situation. This is very important to understand, we cannot have feelings about a situation until we have thoughts about that situation. Next, after the thoughts and feelings, come the behavior, the action, how we will proceed in that given situation. Finally, after we act, we must deal with the consequences of those actions. Whether we perceive these consequences as good or bad is just another loop in this endless cycle of occurrences.
As we look at this cycle, the first thing that happens when we are presented with a situation is thought. This thought determines our feelings, which determines our actions, which determines the outcome of our lives. How we think about a situation determines the trajectory of that cycle of events. This is why CBT is so effective in therapy. Once we are able to change our thinking, our entire lives begin to transform around us.
As I use this form of therapy with my clients, helping them change the way they think about the world, the situations that are presented to them, I always think myself, “there’s something missing.” I begin to ponder my own thoughts, thinking where do our thoughts come from? Do we even have control of these thoughts or do they just appear? The truth is, we don’t have as much control of our thoughts as we think we do. Only about 5% of our daily lives are controlled by our conscious awareness. But what about the rest of the 95% of our lives? Who is controlling that? Well, that is controlled by our subconscious mind, the part of the mind that takes over when we create habits, it is the part of the mind that holds our deepest beliefs about ourselves, about life, about everything. That is where our thoughts come from.
I believed that with CBT, there was something missing because, if we don’t have control of our thoughts then we truly have control of nothing. But then I realized something, we need to take it one step further. To change the thoughts that develop in our mind, we must change the beliefs in our subconscious. Once we do that, everything will begin to happen effortlessly. Suddenly, the right thoughts will come to mind, leading to positive, empowering feelings, leading to courageous and inspired action, which will inevitably lead to incredible outcomes in life.
Through meditation, we gain access to our subconscious mind. Just as we are falling asleep, our subconscious is most susceptible to suggestion. At this moment, we can inject our new empowering beliefs and replace those old, harmful, limiting beliefs. We can implant visions in the mind that will lead to their creation in the world around us. The right thoughts will come to us, the right feelings, the right actions, that will all lead to its realization, seemingly effortlessly. This meditation will guide you through all of this. Listen nightly as you fall asleep, and watch as the adventure of a lifetime plays out in your waking reality.