eco-conscious swaps for students 🌱

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heck yeah, let's reduce waste! lately, i've really been getting into the zero-waste movement. by no means am i perfect at environmentalism, but i do my best and i hope i can share something that helps you!

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My one issue with this is the reliance on digital devices. You aren’t the first person to suggest swapping paper for a digital device, so I don’t mean to nit pick you. But paper is far more easy to recycle then a laptop or any of the digital waste that inevitably is created. Throwing out a sheet of paper is far less harmful then throwing out a laptop, any power cables, batteries, calculators, etc. you can’t recycle a laptop as far as I’m aware, and even if you can, I don’t hear anyone talking about it so I’m suspicious as to how many people truly might be recycling digital devices.


As my professor told me, "Your dollar represents your vote." Meaning you support the company and what they are producing every time you buy. So make sure you support what you believe in.


Jasmine: use a whiteboard for reviewing questions

me, an intellectual: *laughs in mirror and windows*


Eco-conscious swaps hmmmm
*swaps out human beings*


Imagine having pretty and aesthetic notes, and being able to sell them online.


Quizlet should have the option of handwriting on flash cards. One side is blank and then you flip it and there’s lines on the other side.

Because handwriting is one of the best ways to memorize information (depending on how you write things too ofc). Tapping on the keyboard... is not exactly the best way. It works to a certain point.

You brain memorizes info better when you handwrite things due to the motion of your hand. On a keyboard you’re just tapping... And those that love writing on index cards, don’t have to waste so much paper either.


I've been saving my unused notebook paper since middle school and it's gotten me all the way through high-school lmao


Rule number one for me: use what you have! :)


I need to use handwritten notes in order to remember stuff :P But I always recycle! When one semester ends I clean the folders out, keep whats needed and recycle all the others

ps Always check and remove the plastics/staples from the paper! :)


for those of you who arent allowed to bring a device to school or dont have access to anything other than your phone, you can still try to make more conscious decisions! try to recycle your papers at the end of the year, opt for paper folders (or if you use the plastic ones, use the sturdy ones.) try to make your organizational system last more than one year instead of replacing it every year. lots of things can be done, regardless of your access to devices. you can do it :D


I don´t really know if digital is better for the environment. Especially clouds and indeed (what I already read in the comments) e-waste. Many people don't realise that the cloud isn't a magic thing that just excists. There are large fysical datacenters, these also need energy and aren't as environmental friendly as people think.

I think the biggest thing you can do is to be aware of what you buy. If something more suitable is allright with what you need than do it. I used to buy a lot of notebooks for new ideas and I lacked to fill them leaving my closet full of wasted notebooks. Now I think more of what I buy and it makes me have less rubbish in my house and it's better for the environment.

I think the biggest thing people need to do is to not close their eyes and be aware of the effects the mass-consumption has on the earth. But also not to be scared to buy anything environmental-unfriendly if they really need it, like paper to take notes etc.


And also the fact that you and tbhstudying posted the same Eco things owp


For me, when I take notes in a physical paper notebook, I try to make use of the WHOLE page because sometimes, I still have half a page from copying one day of notes so I just use a line to separate it and start the next day's notes.


Jasmine: Sell your notes

Me: *laughs in incomprehensible writing*


but switching to digital devices hurts my eyes and makes my eye sight worse :(, however I do recycle my papers.


i literally don’t know why I watched this; I just dropped out of college but I LOVE YOU honestly as a huge environmentalist it’s so great to see people pot there sharing information (and inspiring) on doing more


About the flashcards yes it may be easier to carry a device then a Stacy of paper but some of us arent allowed to bring devices to school


This definitely depends on the school and the teacher, but from my experience (especially in middle school classes), teachers will say you need more materials than you actually need. I remember one teacher saying we needed a five subject notebook (I literally used no more than 20 pages the whole year) and another saying we needed 2 folders and 4 composition notebooks for one class (he made us get two folders in case one broke 🤨, and he made us get 4 notebooks for 4 different units, barely got through one notebook the entire year). I know that there are some teachers that will have consequences for not bringing the materials that they wanted you to bring, but my advice is that if you can, buy a minimal amount of supplies to start out. If you end up running out of space in a notebook, you can always buy another one. This is better than buying a surplus of supplies that don’t get used. Hope this helps somebody!


another idea is to turn all your old worksheets into new paper! there’s a bunch of videos online on how to turn paper into pulp and stuffs!! i’m trying to find the time to do it myself but once you’re done with making the paper you can use it for anything :D you can also put flowers and glitter and stuff!!


Her friend is so lucky to have her organize notes.
