What is Einstein's cosmological constant?

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Einstein's cosmological constant resulted from a prejudice regarding how the universe should behave. Brian Greene explains why the great physicist edited his equations to include it.

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Einstein beat himself up for “wasting” 10 years trying to fit his equations to coincide with what most people believe?
Hardly something to beat yourself up over I’m my opinion.
Einstein knew he had a gift above most people to understand, comprehend, and express the universe unlike nobody else. Einstein was also fully aware of his mortality and that his life and brain is on a time limit.
I’m so greatful for men like him to dedicate his life for the betterment of humanity as a whole.
Einstein had a beautiful mind. ❤️
I’ve read most his books including the one’s on his personal life and personal views. He was a beautiful kind person.


And with almost everything Einstein did, this also could turn out to be correct after all!! His constant not only let the universe be static, it explains a whole lot more then that. His Anti-gravity for example could be the dark energie everybody is searching for


I try to combine the cosmological constant and the schrodinger solution on the planck scale.

I used planck units.

At the end I went back to SI units to compare with the measured vacuum energy density (0.63 10^-9 J/m^3.)

1) Einstein, cosmological constant
2) Schrödinger solution
3) Planck units

- vacuum catastrophe solved?

1)Einstein, cosmological constant

Λ = (8π 𝐺 ƐΛ)/(𝑐^4)

Planck units:
Λ (6.1871424 10^34)^-2 = (8π ƐΛ [planckEnergy/planckVolume]

1.1056 10^-52 (6.1871424 10^34)^-2 = 8π ƐΛ

0.001149 10^-120 = ƐΛ

0.1149 10^-122/ ƐΛ = 1

2)Schrödinger solution, n=1

(ℎbar^2 𝑛^2 𝜋^2) / (2𝑚𝐿^2) = E

Planck units
m= mplanck =1
L= Lplanck=1
0.5 𝜋^2= E

1= E/0.5 𝜋^2

3)Einstein, Cosmological Constant = Schrödinger solution

0.1149 10^-122/ ƐΛ = 1 = E/0.5 𝜋^2

0.1149 10^-122 0.5 𝜋^2= ƐΛ Eplanck

Eplanck =1

0.1149 10^-122 0.5 𝜋^2= ƐΛ

0.567 10^-122 = ƐΛ [planckEnergy/planckVolume]

0.567 10^-122 1.9561 10^9 /(1.61625502 10^-35)^3= ƐΛ [J/m^3]

ƐΛ = 2.627 10^-9 [J/m^3]

Measured: 0.63 10^-9 [J/m^3]

I am looking forward to your response.


thanks Bryan you explained this Blunder story very well !!!


I got something that will blow your mind, everyone's knows about the big bang theory ? It's strange why every living thing has pretty much the same genetic code what's to say the universe isn't built with the similar mechanics. Which expanding to alternate universes and because it's expanding at an alarming rate there's pinpoints in space where to much pressure forms and creates anti gravity. Because for something to expand it needs something with great force pushing it to accelerate the expansion but when pressure become to much it starts to retract creating anti gravity.. great example heavy duty resistant bands
You can only push out so far until the pressure becomes so much and pulls it back


Einstein did not invent the cosmological constant for entirely the wrong reasons. The cosmological constant existed back then for the same reasons it exist now.
There are two reasons why you invent such constant. Lets say you have an understanding of the universe and you find, like how Einstein did, that his understanding of the universe does not fully match the observations you make. Then to define this error you invent an adhoc constant. Now you can do this for two different reason...
First: You invent the adhoc constant to clearly state what is wrong with your understanding of reality.
Second: You invent the adhoc constant because more strongly believe in your own hypothesis than your observations. So there have to be something out there that you can't observe that makes this hypothesis correct.

The first reason is the correct scientific reason, while the second reason breaks against the scientific method. Both Einstein used as well as modern physicists uses the concept of a cosmological constant in both the right and the wrong way.
It is not who was right or wrong that matters in science. It is method you use that matters. The ability to disprove a hypothesis if it is wrong is a corner stone in the scientific method. This does not only include the fact that every hypothesis have to make testable predictions, you also have to accept the result from the tests for what they are.
... Then again making up a random variables does not result in predictability to begin with, beyond the fact that you already violated the scientific method by ignoring disproof.
If we have no valid contender for what dark matter and dark energy should be then talking about dark matter and dark energy as real things is nothing short of being pseudoscience.


Plot twist.... turns out Einstein was still right


The universe is not static, thus a theoretical model meant for a static universe isn't compatible with the observations he did from our universe, because the universe isn't fucking static, why can't you just say that instead of being completely random, rofl


It stabilized his theory, oh ok.. Nice choice of word there pal
