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Alias = codinome.
The name Drake was an alias he used to avoid the police.
Michael Kane, alias "The Monster", is wanted by the police in several countries.
By the way = aliás, falando nisso, a propósito.
Collateral = garantia de empréstimo.
She used her house as collateral for a loan.
Side effects = efeitos colaterais.
Preservative = conservante.
The wood is treated with preservative to prevent decay.
Industrialized foods usually have a lot of preservatives.
Condom = preservativo.
To pretend = fingir.
She's not really hurt, she's only pretending.
To intend = pretender.
Comprehensive = abrangente.
We offer you a comprehensive training in all aspects of the business.
If you are an inexperienced driver, it is worth having comprehensive insurance.
Understanding = compreensivo.
To resume = reiniciar.
The company expects to resume production very soon.
To summarize = resumir.
Summary = resumo.
Fabric = tecido.
This fabric is similar to wool, only cheaper.
Wash delicate fabrics by hand.
Factory = fábrica.
Costume = fantasia.
Costume party.
He was wearing a vampire costume.
Costume parties are popular at halloween.
Customs/habits = costumes.
Tenant = inquilino.
Tenants are complaining that essencial repairs are not being done.
Lieutenant = tenente.
To push = empurrar.
He helped me push my car of the road.
He was pushed from the balcony.
To pull = puxar.
Prejudice = preconceito.
He had to battle against prejucide to get a job.
Some people are prejudiced against minorities.
Loss/damage = prejuízo.
To realize = perceber.
They didn't realize the danger they were in.
He suddenly realized he was not alone.
To do/to perform = realizar.