J.Cole For Whom The Bell Tolls Official Audio

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This song is underrated masterpiece!
It’s about depression and the impact of solitude on mental health (as I understand it). So Cole decided to use John’s poem to show just how the desire to end it all grows with time, as the bells get louder.

I go back to this song every time I hear of someone’s death. Because for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for all of us.


Not the "From whom the bell tolls" I was looking for

Still, im not dissapointed


This song is very powerful. I’ve cried to this many times. In correlation to real life.


Being in a deep depression hearing this makes me break down because man I don’t know I just don’t f*ckin know do I want to end it all or do I want to keep walking


Honestly, yes this song talks about isolation and being lonely, feeling lost. But he also talks about searching, and hoping, and praying for something beautiful, and knowing his miracle is right around the corner. And I am going through a similar phase, jump roping between being hopeful and hopeless. But I am trying to hold on, cause I know “I’m gon’ see it, I know that it’s coming.” Thank you for this song Cole, sometimes I feel only his songs have a way of helping you make sense of the world. ♥️
You guys are gonna be okay! It’s coming!


One of his best intros. Recently revisited this album, so under appreciated


I get why some want the song to be longer. I think it's perfect as it is: life is short, and the lyrics speak to someone who contemplates making it even shorter.


The way the song fades at the end is absolutely perfect, Who else can create masterpieces other than King 👑 Cole?


4YEO is one of my fave bodies of work to date by Cole, underated af but those who get it get it 😌
Blessings for 2023 y'all 🎆♥️


Overhated album last decade but the real ones know Cole dropped a dope body of work with 4YEO forever my favorite


Let me paint for you a story. Not a very interesting one, but I'll always remember it.

I live in a really small town, and my brother was getting his G.E.D in the next town over bc he dropped out of highschool. I was about 17 at the time and he needed a ride to his class. Me and my best friend were hanging out when he called me to go take him to his class. I asked my friend if he wanted to come with me. He agreed.
So i drop my brother off in the next town over, about a 15 minute drive. He was only gonna be there for an hour and a half so me and my friend decide to just drive around and hang out.
I had a joint i wanted to smoke so i found a little spot next to the train tracks. The sun had just started dipping below the horizon and the sky was painted various shades of red, orange, and purple. I put the little suv into park, got out, and went to sit in the back where the trunk opens. My friend and I sat back there while i smoked a joint and listened to this song... Just talking about life. My friend said, "this is like... A moment. This song, where we're at, sitting in the back of your moms car, waiting for your brother to finish his class. while you smoke a joint your brother gave you... It's oddly surreal."
And it was oddly surreal. It's one of those experiences that are fairly mundane, but just seem unlikely and odd. But it felt like time didn't matter in that moment. All that mattered was my joint, my friend, and this song.

I'm 19 now. My brother did get his G.E.D, but sadly he died last year in November at 23 years old. He showed me J Cole, and this song. Without him i would've never had that moment, and this song wouldn't mean so much to me. I'll never forget that moment.


Why can’t we like Metallica and J. Cole at the same time?


My boy J Cole this song hits me different, each day living like you want it to be your last. 😭


I see the, I see the—
I see the, I see the—
I see the rain
Pouring down
Before my very eyes
Should come as no surprise
I see the, I see the rain
Pouring down, uh
Before my very eyes
Should come as no surprise

I'm searching and praying and hoping for something
I know I'm gon' see it, I know that it's coming
Lord, huh
Lord, huh
But what do you do when there's no place to turn?
I have no one, I'm lonely, my bridges have burnt down

The bells getting loud, ain't nowhere to hide
Got nowhere to go, put away my pride
Tired of feeling low even when I'm high
Ain't no way to live, do I wanna die?
I don't know, I don't know
Bells getting loud, ain't nowhere to hide
Got nowhere to go, put away my pride
Tired of feeling low even when I'm high
Ain't no way to live, do I wanna die?
I don't know, I don't know

Bells gettin' louder, louder
I see the rain
Pouring down


I love J Cole and Metallica and even though these two dont have anything to do with eachother both are amazing songs


Will always be my favorite song on the album, just speaks on a whole new level for me


Idk why but this always soothes the hurt in me


This song takes me back to 2017 when i was fresh out of college not knowing the challenges i would face the next year and a half….

I was the first in my family to graduate from college and at that time i thought nothing can stop me from reaching my goals. As most of us know drug addiction discriminates nobody. Before i knew it i became addicted to a drug i wont name and by mid 2017 i was fully dependent on this drug. While my intention was to stop using, mentally and physically i was not strong enough to combat this battle alone. When i would be by myself in my room, i would play this album and particularly this song. I cnt really explain it but listening to this would immediately give me a feeling of desperation, sadness but also motivation. Motivation to get my life in order and show my momma i was going to bounce back from the madness. Luckily i was able to do just that and today marks a lil over 3 years of me being sober. I have a solid support system around me, good paying job and the best soulmate a man can ask for.

Everytime i listen to this song it takes me back to 2017, when i was struggling with drug addiction and didn’t know how to stop. It also brings back the same feelings of desperation, depression but hope as well.


One of my fav Tracks . Only wish it was longer


Found this J Cole song last week very underrated the instrumental aswell hits different and the background vocals
