Hate CPAP? There are alternatives!

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If you have Obstructive Sleep Apnea and unable to tolerate CPAP therapy, your nose may be blocked. Daniel Slaughter, MD discusses what can be done for patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea patients and also patients with severe sleep apnea.
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I wish my doctor would of checked where my apnea is coming from. Like hello, I wanna know what is causing this tight airway?
Is it my tongue, throat, neck, tonsils? Dont just throw a sleep test at me & tell me i have sleep apnea....then send me a machine without showing me how to use it, maintain it or trouble shoot then send me a mask that doesn't fit my face correctly. Its like they almost wanna set u up for failure or somethin SMH


How do you find an ENT locally who does something like this? All the ENTs I went to just stuck a scope up my nose and said they didn’t find any physical obstruction.


What I'd like to do - is have Rotor Rooter take care of my kitchen sink and my airway during the same house call.


This is my situation now -- severe sleep apnea, tried a CPAP, and absolutely cannot stand it! I started freaking out with a claustrophobia attack. I have a dental device too, but it keeps coming apart and slips out of my mouth during the night. I'm scared to death about the long-term effects of this disorder, and aside from going on a strict diet and losing a boatload of weight, I don't know what else to do. Sleeping on my left side or sleeping in an elevated position on my recliner helps somewhat, but it's no magic cure-all. I know I cannot ignore this issue any longer. I turned 50 last year and don't want my quality of life ruined because of this condition. One doctor said I could possibly lose 10 to 12 years from my lifespan if I don't do anything about this. To say I am scared out of my wits about this would be an understatement.


Glad I saw this before getting fitted for CPAP, my nasal airway is tight.


I have had bad sleep apnea for about 5 or 6 years now.

My ex-gf mentioned this idea to me because I had told her many times that my nose always feels congensted and that its harder then normal for me to breath - I feel i have a slightly blocked nose all the time, even when im not sick. Her cousin apparently had the same issue and didnt even known it was a problem until she got a nose-job done (purely for aestetics reasons) and as a side effect ended up being able to suddnely breath clearly again after it. So my ex (who was a doctor herself) recommended I look into getting surgery to open up my nasal airways.

I saw my doctor who put me on to a ear/nose/throat specialist. I mentioned all of this to the specialist, and he just pushed and pushed the CPAP solution on me. I spend one night in hospital on a CPAP as a trial and I actually found it extremely uncomfortable and almost scary, as I felt if anything it make it HARDER for me to breathe through my nose. I was actually paranoid that I might not be able to breath and my suffocate in my sleep, so I had an extremely hard time sleeping.

Despite this he still tried to push it on to me, and told me that the only alternative to a permanenent CPAP machine was to lose weight. I refused the CPAP machine because I knew there was no way I could sleep every night with that hting on, and asked for my booking to be cancelled - then he sent a nast letter to my doctor complaining that I cancelled my appointments and that I shouldnt be allowed to drive, etc.

After watchign this I think I need to go and see another doctor and another specialist, because I am pretty confident that if I could simply have my nasal airways opened up so I could breathe properly through my nose then my entire sleep apnea issue would either go away or at the very least be massively reduced.


Be mindful, untreated sleep apnea, whatever the cause, can lead to heart attack, stroke and cardiac arrhythmias. I’m a nurse and I’ve seen it many times.


Do you perform objective nasal function study using rhinomanometry in your patients?


This is exactly my problem, I will talk to my doctor about this..wish I was in Austin TX


I can’t fall asleep with mine on, and I end up taking it off or else I wouldn’t sleep at all. Ugh! 🤦🏻‍♂️


I have sleep apnea since I was born I did not know that so over the years as I was growing up I kept falling asleep even in school I kept falling asleep my teachers wanted me to quit my day job but I had to find a way or force myself just to stay awake and I could not do it because they did not know I have sleep apnea or anybody else until 2005 that's when I had sleep apnea because I had a hernia operation and then they found a lot of things that was wrong with me because they got big giant spot on the side of the ribs inside my rib cage and that's when they found out I had sleep apnea sometimes I use my machine and sometimes I don't because it depends what's going to happen that morning just when I get done using it in the morning it seems like I can turn right around and go right back to sleep from sunup to sundown I'm always 24/7 Dead Tired I should have been dead but no something is just keeping me going I don't know what it is but like I said every time I use that machine it just makes me tired constantly when I'm asleep at night got the machine it's supposed to cut my windpipe off and I stopped breathing for a few minutes but I'm still here I know there's options of surgery for sleep apnea my doctor wants me to use the machine but sometimes that machine just don't help out and I haven't seen my sleep doctor in a long time but right now let me finish this video have a blessed day


Thanks for the information. I have never been able to breath through my nose very well. They want me to breath through my nose with the CPAP. I CAN"T breath through my nose! How about we fix that?


Doc, can the balloon sinoplastie procedure be done to help correct nasal spray addiction rebound effect? I’ve been addicted to nasal spray for years now due to GERD and non allergic rhinitis.


I have mild qpnea and I stopped using it as many friends were teasing me. I usually take it off in my sleep. I need alternative


I forgot to add one more thing I do not have Harley no energy at all because of sleep and sleep apnea if I didn't have sleep apnea my stomach right now will be a surfboard but it's not that's why I don't have no energy I'm a little heavy and I have sleep apnea could be worse than sleep apnea


Anyone you can recommend in the Orlando or Ocoee, Florida area


So my ahi is about 1.8 but i have a deviated septum and i can barely breathe through my nose and im still extremely tired. Is it normal to have a low ahi and still be tired?


95 % of the video that CPAP is not working, OK we know that. 5 % info for the procedure


2 things wrong off the top 1 - you are in the wrong country and 2 - you are not here near Abbotsford B.C. to do me any good, sighhhh


Wow if only I had the money to afford fucking any of this.
