Pride Movie CLIP - Friendship (2014) - Imelda Staunton, Bill Nighy Comedy HD

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Pride Movie CLIP - Friendship (2014) - Imelda Staunton, Bill Nighy Comedy HD

Its the summer of 1984 Margaret Thatcher is in power and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is on strike...
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The film brings me to tears more and more every time I watch it. It is really a story about empathy and the need for it.


So many scenes in this film that get the tear ducts flowing (I'm a Yorkshireman by birth, I'm not meant to cry damn you) this is one of them, the solidarity, warmth, kindness, a fight for justice between two communities that you wouldn't have dreamed of putting together in the mid 1980's gives me hope, a truly inspiring story and an excellently made film.


Really, really, really, really, REALLY great movie. Loved every second.


Dai Donovan used to visit my house during the strike when I was little, though I don't really remember him or the other miner's that stayed with us for a bit. Regional organiser for my mum's part of Derbyshire. A mad busy time.


The tears start flowing EVERY time I see the scene. Thank you!


Brilliant clip, so much about solidarity and looking out for others. Old man was a copper that worked the miners strikes up in Derbyshire he once said to me "I looked along those two lines on the picket lines and thought, 'we're the same people we just wear different hats'" We have more in common than we do in differences. Peace out to everyone, take care


One of the most moving, inspiring scenes in any movie.


Saw the premier and knew it would be a big hit, had me laughing and crying. For some of us LGBT folk of a certain age (in the UK) we remember the times when we were a lot less accepted than we are today! We must NEVER go back to those days and we can't be complacent either.


It might not seem a very spectacular, iconic, speech, but I would like to share this: about 3 years ago, there was an uproar in the Dutch christian community, about the so-called Nashville declaration, about (among others) the sin of homosexuality. A couple of Dutch christian right wing politicians signed this declaration. Not that surprising, but what was surprising, and very moving, was that there was also a counter movement within the Dutch christian community. In those times, I drove past a particular church every day when I went to work. A church which I knew was a very strict, Dutch calvinistic reformed church. This church, for at least a year, was flying the pride flag. Every day I drove past it, and I saw it. And every time, it made me think of this moment: when you're in a battle, against an enemy so much bigger, so much stronger than you, and to find out you had a friend you never knew excisted. That's the best feeling in the world. And it was.


Great movie. I watch this over and over and it puts me back to the 80s and cultures I was never aware. The actors were brilliant, the story on cue and the music...the music just ropes you in.


Watched this, it was such a great movie. So inspiring. 


This il such a great film. It's definitely not about the LGBT world, it's about solidarity and activism. I love it!


Stirring speech - no protracted Oscars word salad but a heartfelt 'thank you'.


The more I watch this movie the more I think how BIG consequences had one simple idea by Mark Ashton: helping unknown people with great dedication just because they needed it.

We need more Mark in the word, we need to be Mark and drive his precious legacy forward: looking around, check where help is needed and help.


Come here every time I need a good cry. The battles the miners fought, the battles these young LGBTQ activists fought, they are all far from over. I've walked a few pickets lines, and this scene is so true. When you are seemingly outgunned, and all the sudden a wave of support comes crashing in, it makes it feel like anything's possible.

Let's all make sure as well, from around the world, to support the workers and farmers of India January 8th as they go on general strike.


love this movie, one of my favourites


This is what I felt when watching all the support HBomberguy's stream for Mermaids got.


Great speech by Dai 🙂 Love this movie.


Really great movie!!!! I want you to watch this movie to the more japanese people.


Did this happen? Both my mining uncles don’t remember pride back then and I’m certain they would have heard of such support through the grapevine regardless of location. So they say.
