The Dirty Little Secret

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Watch this new video from Apologia Studios and EAN. Pastor Jeff Durbin exposes the dirty little secret of a popular industry. This is the fatal flaw. This is what must be addressed. Help us to bring transformation by sharing this important video.

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Praise God for TRUE pro-life warriors like you, Brother.


Thank you for your bravery. Your service is populating the Kingdom. 🙌🏻👆🏻 🙏🏻


Ironically, Herod of the Bible was a baby killer also.


I was literally just thinking about how the pro-life industry is terrible and then boom, here is this video


Jeff, I thank the Lord for strong, Christian men like you. You are a true warrior for Jesus!


Glad to see God using you to spread the truth Jeff.


That is eye opening and I pray for your success in putting into motion a bill that recognizes equal protection and justice for all life.


Thank you for sharing and for all you do


While I'm here, can I please ask for a prayer request. One of my parents is extremely pro-choice and that is a small part of why I have gone no-contact with them (there are so many reasons I had to make that decision 💔).
Please pray for their heart to change on the topic and pray for me to have the strength to forgive.


Most of them aren't willing to go all the way either. They always implement half measures. Even many in the pro life industry say total ban from the point of conception is too radical.


Depending on one stream of income had never made any millionaire and earning check don't put you on forbes


My question to people is often this: What do you think would happen if we taught our children from the time they are little that marriage, sex, and ALL human life, are sacred — and we lived that out in front of them... If society as a whole did such a radical thing, how many of our social problems would disappear on their own?


Well said Pastor - Simple, factual and to the point! We should not loose focus and let confused people interrupt God's work. God is never confused - and so should we. I pray for you and your community and the abundant blessings that is coming your way to save the children!!!


A little about Herrod in the bible...Herod was a strange mix of a clever and efficient ruler and a cruel tyrant.

On the one hand, he was distrustful, jealous, and brutal, ruthlessly crushing any potential opposition. The Jews never accepted him as their legitimate king, and this infuriated him.

He constantly feared conspiracy. He executed his wife when he suspected she was plotting against him. Three of his sons, another wife, and his mother-in-law met the same fate when they too were suspected of conspiracy.

Herod, trying to be a legitimate Jew, would not eat pork, but he freely murdered his sons! Matthew’s account of Herod’s slaughter of the infants in Bethlehem fits well with what we know of the king’s ambition, paranoia, and cruelty (Matt. 2:1–18).

Interesting that this woman's last name is Herrod... food for thought


This is a new concept to me! I have been in ther Herrod (!) camp thinking that the "Doctor" is the guilty party, not daring to look any further. But daring to see where the guilt is experienced, does point to the culprit. Unfortunately it follows that any legislation that includes prosecuting the woman will never see the light of day. You do speak the truth, Jeff!


God bless you Jeff and the wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ that are fighting for the most vulnerable image bearers. May God bless this ministry and bring a speedy end to this barbaric sacrifice to demons.


Keep up the pressure, brother. Good info.


Prayers from Ky that these inconsistent representatives of the people either repent of their inconsistency and work for abolition or voted out of office.


You explained this so well. I was guilty of seeing the mother as a victim too but this video clearly shows how wrong that line of thinking is. If we keep telling the mother she is a victim she will just feel sorry for herself. She will never see the sin she is guilty of and won't repent and turn to God. I can't believe how easily I was led to believe such a worldly lie. Its hard to find Christians that will teach the difficult truth.


Thank you Precious Warriors of God for standing for the rights and lives of these precious innocent babies. God richly bless you, and strengthen you all. Pastor Jeff Durbin, you rock because you stand on the Rock of God's Word🙏🙏❤❤. Pro Life movement are just playing games, and politics at the expense of millions of innocent lives. How 😢. I will share this with others. Love you Pastor Jeff🙏🙏❤
