Why You MUST SACRIFICE Something to GET SUCCESS! - Jordan Peterson

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Speaker: Jordan Peterson Thanks for watching!
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This man is so intelligent that it takes some of us a good deal of reflection to even understand what he's saying.


He literally just spoke about reliance on God. Love it


Father Mike Schmitz said something similar. It was about a woman who was asking her father how to find a good man. The father replied, "find a man who can obstain, that can give something up." I'm fairly sure I butchered that quote, but simply, a man that can control himself and keep himself from something that may harm him or others has more ability to lead a good life for him and his partner.


This man is brilliant.I hope he stays with us for a long time.We need him so bad.


Your words are astounding and eye opening. Much respect.


When I tried to quit one bad habit without replacing it with a good habit, it created a void in my reasoning aided in my relapse . Replacing a bad habit with a good habit reduced my need to reason with it at all . Freeing my mind up to plan ahead with confidence and realistic hope .


Another pearl of wisdom. Thank you Jordan Peterson.


He is the wordiest man i think i've ever listened to- i really like him a lot 😊 kick their butts in Canada JP! whatever ya do don't give up- you are well respected & needed in this day and age my friend💪


So beautifully explained. You're anointed.


Mastery of analysis on a level most people can’t even conceptualize on their own without guidance thank you Dr. Peterson


Good word Jordon.
Such a perfect way to interject the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to a secular world.
One that helps see and overcome the imperfections in our hearts, minds and souls, the things that keep us bound.


Dude just clinically explained so much about our relationship to God… I’ve never really heard it described quite like this…. God please protect this man…. I’m so afraid they will come after him 😢


Absolutely brilliant and right on the button


In the last part of 2022, I found out a lot about myself. One of those things was what God wants from me. I have always struggled with these thoughts. And they’ve only gotten worse as I grew older. A lot of the things that I though I wanted and needed, were things that were of this world. Things that go against what God wants. And it has been really hard. And that’s cause I would think to myself, “why me?”, “why my family?”, “why does everyone else seem to have their stuff together?”. And it has only gotten clearer as to “why?” These things happen. One of the reason for these hardships that I’m experiencing, is just human nature. My family is not necessarily the healthiest. Mentally, spiritually, financially, and physically. How does me asking God “why?” Have anything to do with God? He’s not the one putting these hardships on me. It’s human nature. And then there came the question, “what am I supposed to do?” Every time I go somewhere, I feel belittled. People seem to have very high expectations from me. Especially compared to my cousins for example or other family members that are the same age. And it does hurt. Not because of the high expectations, but because of them basically ridiculing me. You’re this age already, when are you going to get married? Do you work? No? Why are you still in school? Why did you stop working to go to school? Your dad has to work so much and you’re not helping. Maybe if you worked and helped the family, there wouldn’t be problems with your parents. Well, I did. I worked. I gave away almost 2 years of my life. Nothing changed. Now I’m back to school. But life is even harder. I’m responsible for a lot more things now. 2023 has started like a knife cutting the rope that was holding everything together. I am at risk of having to stop studying if I can’t manage to find a part time job that will sustain my family, I am somehow still supposed to find someone to marry, I can’t complain, and I can’t be mad or sad about it. And it just clicked. I am hyper focused on myself. And this has been clarified to me through someone else’s prayer. Worrying too much about what I can’t do, and not doing what I should’ve done from the beginning. Give my burdens to God. How does that work? He can’t just make me rich, or fix my family. Or can he? Is it just faith? What is the power of faith? And I understand that I still need to try my best, while not worrying about it. Worry has only made me worse. I can’t sleep, I constantly have to disappear from everyone around me to cry, and fear has taken a hold of my life. I can’t do this alone. Only God can deliver me from this. And to my original question, “why my family?”. Because it was long overdue. A lot of things happened before I was born. Nobody told me about these things. I was left to find them by myself as they repeated themselves. I don’t have anyone from my immediate family to look up to. I used to think I did. But the more I saw, the more I learned that they’re humans too. That they are not perfect. That they need God. Only love and grief have been left. God does not want me to be rich. He does not want me to be happy. He does not want my life to be without hardship. He wants me. He wants my soul. There is nothing else that matters. Maybe he’ll help me get rich in the future, and take away my burden. But the primary focus from now is to be joyful in the face of hardship, to love like he did, and to give my entire life to him. If the things that I went through, and I’m going through right now never happened, I would have been lost. I would have lived in a fantasy world. But God has made it possible for me to stay strong and to continue to seek him. Even while going through these hard times. I don’t know how I’m going to get through this, but I know that God will help me. God bless you all!


Dam that was the coolest statement I've ever heard nailed that shit Jordan. Fucking nailed it.


I wish I had even a fraction of his brain power. He is definitely one of the greatest minds ever.


This man says so much in every sentence I need to hear it more than once so I don’t miss anything.


🔥🔥🔥 That's spiritual progression... respect 🙏


As we grow and mature most of us realize that the pare of us which has to go, are the things we coveted or became addicted to in the world.
If you are among the fortunate this process of elimination is as easy as breathing, it comes natural. As for those whom have addictive personalities to the excess and access thereof will struggle some fail, dieing in a pool of blood, a pool of denial, a pool of regrets.
I walked away from a relationship once which was not progressing in a normal positive manner. Although I had many possessions which I held very valuable to me. I walked out the door with my clothing and my toiletries, got into my truck and left the state leaving her and everything I owned behind. Talk about freedom, total freedom, nothing to bind or hold me down. I so felt exhilarated and content beyond belief. Like the pig said to the chicken, you ask for a piece of pork and you will provide eggs for breakfast. To you that's an offering for me it's a sacrifice. We must know the difference, while offerings are good and perhaps help others with their hunger, a sacrifice is greater and necessary for your own healthy growth and happiness!
God bless you Jordan! He is the higher power who sees your sacrifices, recognizes them when performed with a pure heart and rewards us with peace, love and understanding through forgiveness and his Grace. For as for when Jesus Christ died/sacrificed himself on the cross for all whom believe in him. If not for this, there would be no need for any of us to open our mouths! There would be no redemption for anyone no matter what was said or done.


That was such an insane badass mental flow. WOW. Have to listen to that twice to fully get it all.
