How to Properly Strike a Xylophone

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Mahalo xylophone expert Jay Laura teaches you how to properly strike your xylophone with a mallet.
Lesson 2: How to Properly Strike a Xylophone
The xylophone consists of hardwood bars, decreasing in length from left to right, set on a metal frame.c It is played by striking these bars with hard mallets. The longest bars produce the lowest pitch notes and the shortest the highest.c In order to achieve the best sound, it is first necessary to learn how to properly strike a xylophone.c
Step 1: Hold Mallets Properly
In order to achieve the best sound from the xylophone, it is necessary that you first hold the mallet in the correct grip an appropriate distance from the instrument prior to striking. Find the center of gravity of the stick--the point at which you can balance it on a finger--and then grip this point between your second finger and thumb.c Then wrap the rest of each hand around the stick, beneath this point, so that the stick is held loosely by the center of your fingers.c It is appropriate to hold each stick about 12 inches above the xylophone at a slight angle.c
Step 2: Practice Different Striking Methods
Once you have prepared yourself to strike the instrument, you may practice three different methods of doing so. These are the single stroke, the single stroke roll, and the double stroke roll.c A single stroke is when you hit the xylophone once with a mallet.c A single stroke roll is when you go back and forth between your right and left hand, making single strokes and gradually increasing speed.c A double stroke roll is when you hit the instrument twice with your right mallet and twice with your left.c
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Lesson 2: How to Properly Strike a Xylophone
The xylophone consists of hardwood bars, decreasing in length from left to right, set on a metal frame.c It is played by striking these bars with hard mallets. The longest bars produce the lowest pitch notes and the shortest the highest.c In order to achieve the best sound, it is first necessary to learn how to properly strike a xylophone.c
Step 1: Hold Mallets Properly
In order to achieve the best sound from the xylophone, it is necessary that you first hold the mallet in the correct grip an appropriate distance from the instrument prior to striking. Find the center of gravity of the stick--the point at which you can balance it on a finger--and then grip this point between your second finger and thumb.c Then wrap the rest of each hand around the stick, beneath this point, so that the stick is held loosely by the center of your fingers.c It is appropriate to hold each stick about 12 inches above the xylophone at a slight angle.c
Step 2: Practice Different Striking Methods
Once you have prepared yourself to strike the instrument, you may practice three different methods of doing so. These are the single stroke, the single stroke roll, and the double stroke roll.c A single stroke is when you hit the xylophone once with a mallet.c A single stroke roll is when you go back and forth between your right and left hand, making single strokes and gradually increasing speed.c A double stroke roll is when you hit the instrument twice with your right mallet and twice with your left.c
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