(sixth RacketCon): Stephen Chang and Alex Knauth -- Type Systems as Macros

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The Racket Manifesto says that “Racket is a programming language for creating new programming languages”. Yet, nearly all languages created with Racket are untyped, ignoring the significant typed portion of the PL spectrum. Typed Racket demonstrates that creating typed languages in Racket is possible ... with monumental effort. This talk attempts to give hope to the common Racket programmer who wishes to create typed languages with Racket, yet does not possess multiple PhDs. Specifically, I’ll demonstrate a technique for embedding type checking directly into macro definitions, in a manner that is compatible with the language-creation patterns that Racket programmers are already familiar with, thus leading to typed languages with little effort.

Рекомендации по теме

So cool! Everyone should keep their eye on Lexi Lambda's Hackett
