what it's like being bilingual

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As a monolingual adult who's been grappling with learning English for 3 years, I always wish I'd been raised multilingual or at least bilingual. Becoming fluent in English is really tough if it's your second language, and learning process can be so demotivating that I completely lose my interest and passion sometimes.


It feels awesome to speak multiple languages. Someone said that with every new language you master, you gain one more personality. The part I appreciate the most about being multi lingual is the ability to look at things from different perspectives. Same words may have different meanings in different languages.


Girl from UK here. I can totally relate to this. Context is important definitely. Farsi (my second language) I can speak better depending on the topic of conversation. I work in healthcare so when I've tried to translate particular words to patients, it's really difficult since some words don't exist and you just say the word with an accent lol. Also, I may not know a specific word so I try to explain what it is and end up confusing them even more!

I actively encourage my younger siblings to learn Farsi to fully comprehend and appreciate our culture even though we don't have a big community here but I think the younger generation of today really do treat our second language like second class citizens. It seems pointless to them to learn it. I mean they are going to learn English anyways since it's spoken here and taught at school, so why not at least try? I think parents need to reprimand their children for speaking anything other than their second language at home to fully preserve our cultures.

Edit: I commented before I got to the end of the video but just find it cute when you laugh when translating what you say in English to Korean. I tend to get giggly when I do the same and I dunno why but I guess it's cause I don't really know if I've translated it that well and fear judgement.


As a person who speaks 0 language I agree with you


아니 한국인이셨나요?? IB, PE, HF 관련된 영상 몇개 보다가 영상 틀었는데 한국말해서 깜짝 놀랐네요 ㅋㅋ. 전 지금 홍콩 헤지펀드에서 인턴하고 있는데 나중에 미국 가게 되면 밥 한끼 드시죠 ㅎㅎ.


I’ve heard the language you think in is your first language. What is your first language, Korean or English?


😂your korean sounds young because it is where your korean education stopped
