Reverend Conrad Tillard on Why He Left The Nation of Islam

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Reverend Conrad Tillard is an old friend who’s gone from being a star minister in the Nation of Islam to an important minister in the Christian church. In this throwback clip, he explains why he left the Nation of Islam.

Touré talks to successful people to find out how they became successful and to see what they know that can help you on your journey.

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I'm surprised in a debate in 1995 about Malcolm X, this man called Malcolm X a traitor for leaving the Nation to go and study real Islam. Now he is saying that we should allow people to grow and leave their confinements. I wonder if he feels the same about Malcolm X now, like in 1995.


Let the man take his own journey, as opposed to denigrating


The truth is that brother Conrad wasn’t confined by anyone other than his self. He relied more on his belief and caught up in personality worshipping rather than diligently studying and critically analyzing the Teachings. The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad constantly encouraged studying and researching because He knew and understood that what He was Teaching the People was factual, historically accurate, rooted in truth and scientifically verifiable. Respectfully, our brother Conrad failed as a student


We must stick to NOI protocol. No drug, alcohol, ect. Take care of your family and community . Always tell the truth,


Truth is NOT complex it’s simple and plain. Whats complex are lies, beliefs and opinions


I keep hearing the words "as we grow".

My question is: grow in what? BC if we grow in the lessons it ultimately comes down to application of the lessons, within our personal lives and for the believing community. From that we become like The Minister did with respect to our individual talents. Remember, SW says what? We must qualify, for positions awaiting us. That book, Closing The Gap, is a book written for NOI members who's spirit was kindling with misunderstandings of the lessons.


Shout out to Bro. Conrad ..Thank You for all your efforts to help The Minister resurrect our people in New York ….Peace


First, I highly respect that he spoke his piece without attempting to slander the Nation.
I do wonder if he became more successful after leaving the Nation; and if he has, I wonder if his success is a direct result of him leaving the Nation.


All I see is self righteous judgmental “know it alls” in these comments. Sounding like members from your favorite classic cult/religion. No one should judge an individuals path through spirituality. I would bet that most people commenting negative things have some of the worst personality traits and probably treat people like crap in real life.


He said it was time to leave “confines” of the NOI. He saying he felt trapped under the guidance of Min. Farrakhan. He left his post and went totally against teaching of THEM. It really boils down to he wanted to do what he wanted to and what he wanted to do was not in alignment with the teachings. It’s okay, he a good brother no mater what he does. He has the teachings in and that will never change. He has a right to make his own decision. He’s still our brother until he shows us something different. Islam!!!


Well I'm not your judge brother. I thank you for the work that you did while you were in the Nation. You taught us very well. Thank you brother Conrad.


Hy, why don't you just say the reason for your leaving? Talking around the subject doesn't help anyone.


We are giving our spiritual energy away to things that don’t serve our best interest


Minister Farrakhan offered to pay for him to leave ministry and study anywhere in Egypt or anywhere he wanted in the world. He was not confined by the Nation.


I remember brother Conrad from the 90s and I appreciate his contribution to our people as the minister of mosque #7. After listening to this maybe our brothers growing can lead him back to where he was, After indepth analysis he might find that he had a simplistic or less evolved view of what he thought he knew about the noi.


Shows that you never understood the teachings. Leaving the Minister is not growth, it's constriction. Sad.


Master Fard Muhammad & THEM taught us that the universe is 76quintillion miles. Who among us have “stretched” that far? There’s room for all of us to grow in the Nation of Islam.THMFarrakhan teaches us in the study guides that Rising above emotions and into the thinking of God is a process.I accepted to be my own in #7 when you were teaching 1 day. By the grace of Allah I and many others are still growing. Peace Brother


I leave you in peace ✌️ my brother I remember you and watch you evolved into the man you are today you went back to the church to really wake it up and all you have to do is be the God that they are looking for so stay upright. peace ✌️


peace brother Conrad. always respected and admired you. never knew why you left the Mosque. last time we spoke you gave me excellent advice. Peace and blessings to you and your family


No one worked harder than Mother tynetta or Min. AVA These sisters died on their post. How can we all of a sudden, think just because we've acquired some higher knowledge we fill that we have evolve away from the foundation of something that Allah came and gave to us who we're lost? I'm not saying this to about min. conrad alone I'm saying this to us all. Wallace D Muhammad and Malcom x should be the example of what your end may be like when you or your ego has told you that you have evolved past the very institution that gave you new life.
