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Tales of Symphonia introduced me to the series and it’s to this day my all time favorite game. I own every single version of that game and it never gets old to play it.


Tales of arise is my first tales game, and it resonated with me in a way I haven't experienced in a long time, I hope they paid the voice actors well, because they carried the game on their backs


Me at the beginning of Abyss: "Luke's kind of an asshole."

Me by the end of Abyss: "Everyone is an asshole."

Love that game. One of my favorites, lol.


Tales of Beseria was my favorite, it has an amazing cast of characters with the best female protagonist, and a top contender anyway, I've ever played, not to mention character development is book worthy compared to other games where it seems to happen in spontaneously. My only real complaint is the plot becomes increasingly over the top and a bit ridiculous from the humble, grounded prologue and first couple acts.


Really wish we see official English ports of the older stuff we never got here, instead of just fan translations (particularly a more definitive edition of Tales of Phantasia (SNES or PS1), Destiny 1 PS2 remake, the real Tales of Destiny 2, Tales of Rebirth, Tales of Innocence) - I feel there are significant holes in the English releases that by this point in time being 2021, have more than an opportunity to be filled via remasters or future collections. Really hoping all of these will see the light of day over here - given how popular the series has become over time, I could absolutely see it happen :).


The “Tales” games are absolutely spectacular. But the only thing that bothers me is that they always leave the English voice cast uncredited. That is my biggest complaint.


For me Symphonia is still the best, it has a great story, it is consistently good through all the arks (looking at you Abyss), most characters are fun to play with and the battle system, while dated, is still great fun.


I'm so happy that Vesperia is in the number 1 spot. This was the game that introduced me to the series and it has been my standard ever since. Idk if I was just bias, but for me, this is really the best Tales out there. Everything is just on point with this game!


I have a hard time ranking tales games. I've enjoyed all the mainline games from Abyss onwards so much. This series really took the place of Final Fantasy for me as that series went off the rails after XII.


With Berseria being one of my favorite games of all time, it warms my heart to see it ranked so highly. I feel like many Tales fans don't think so highly of it.


Symphonia is always going to be the top game for me. It had a great story (that pulled the rug out from under you halfway), great characters, and in excellent Tales Of fashion, fantastic music. Out of the 3 I finished (Symphonia, Vesperia, and Berseria) Vesperia takes 3rd because of the storyline line. It was just all over the place. First you have the guilds vs the empire, then you have the problem with the aer, then the spirits at the end (which should have played a bigger part). I love Yuri and he's my favorite MC, second only to Velvet, but even he isn't enough to place Vesperia over Symphonia. Just my opinion


Loved the list but symphonia was way too low :) The gameplay is pure and still holds up. And the story has loveable characters that grow throughout the course of the plot that slowly unfolds like a flower in bloom. It moves your heart


Xillia 1 and 2 for me. I love the unusual story structure of those 2 and the combat in both is the best of the whole series imo. Still haven't played arise though so that may make me change my mind


One of my favorite things about Tales of Hearts R is the pacing. I’ve played too many rpgs where I eventually feel like I’m stuck in the same town/section for an unbearable amount of time. Never felt that with Hearts R, the story moved along at just the right pace and never forced you to stop and grind


Tales of Xillia 2 will always be my number 1. I don't mind silent protagonists and compared to other games with silent protagonists, Ludger was done pretty well, in my opinion. He certainly wasn't a blank slate, he had personality. The combat system is, in my opinion, to this day the BEST system in the entire series. But what REALLY hit me was the story. It touched me on such an emotional level, that i can't put it in words. The relationship between two brothers, between father and daughter... done in a way that just... spoke to me, i loved it soo damn much and i still do.


I personally think Graces F liberated the series from a lot of older mechanics that I'd grown tired off. Things like TP gauges and ordinary attacks. In that regard, I definitely think Berseria and Graces F are the best. Velvet is easily one of the best fictional characters ever made. I had no idea Destiny's remake got translated. Was it a fansub or an official release?


“…and his snotty gay dog” 😂 I love it. Even if Tenebrae was my favorite part of that game, this cracked me up.

I love seeing what other people’s favorite Tales games are and just the attention the series is getting in general. Abyss is still my personal favorite. I played that game at a time in my life when I was struggling and it just had a profound impact on me. But it’s pretty hit or miss to recommend so traditionally I’ve recommended either the Xillia duology or Vesperia to people playing a Tales game for the first time (and now Arise definitely feels like an accessible recommendation as well).


Xillia is my favorite. I can’t really explain why though. Something about that game just works for me more than any other game in the series.

Can we also just take a minute to appreciate how great the world design is in this series? The towns and areas in these games are some of the most visually interesting in the entire genre.


I played vesperia.... but idk how to explain what it is about...since its divided in 4 different storys per say 😂


Tales of Symphonia for me. The wonderfully likeable characters, and the huge sense of setting off on a world-spanning adventure with tons of twists and turns, made it one of my most beloved RPGs.
