How Much Does it COST to LIVE IN BALI? (INSANE 2023 Update)

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TikTok Lost LeBlanc

#bali #bali2023 #costoflivinginbali #rosettastone, #rosettastonepartner
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if foreigners already feel Bali is getting more and more expensive, imagine what locals & domestic tourists feel 😅


As an Australian, Bali is/was a popular holiday destination for families especially for those that love the beach and are into surfing. Flights used to be so cheap, and you could stay at a 5 star resort for less than $80 a night. Now it's so expensive and unaffordable, and I wish I travelled more back in the days before Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Digital Nomads, Covid even existed.. that was the real Bali back then! :(


People like you changed it you put your money into a country and then youre surprised it changed. You constantly would show how bali is awesome then youre surprised that theyre are more tourist !


So you guys basically made it difficult for the locals to afford to live in their own home? Good job guys. 👍🏻


Bottom line: When you find paradise, don't advertise it.


You're a victim of your own success man. You've definitely helped to grow Bali. You're the main reason I plan to head there this winter. I appreciate all your vids


To be honest you put your effort to promote this island for other people as well. So price increase and traffics and changes are the results of what you are doing as well.


You promoted the hell out of it and now you shocked 🤣😂🤣😂


This is what happens when sustainable tourism is not promoted and local governments do not put restrictions into what expacts can do in countries like this. As a Portuguese citizen I can say that the exact same thing is happening here. Food prices skyrocketed, rent prices are already among the highest in Europe, locals can't afford to live in the cities or downtowns anymore, local culture is slowly disappearing, portuguese language is not the main language that you hear when you're walking the streets, and many more examples that I could write here. Social media platforms and travel based influencers had a big slice of responsability on this. Everybody is constantly promoting a country because of its beauty, of its people and so on, but never talk about the sustainable ways that you could visit or even live in a foreign country without destroying its local economy and culture. The future path of countries like these is already written and we have some examples in prior locations that suffered a boom in tourism before. What happened to that places? Prices kept getting higher and higher that eventually it was not worth anymore to visit or live there, so a lot of hotels, villas, restaurants and other businesses were doomed to close and were just abandoned, transforming a place that was once known for its tourism into ghost towns.
Christian, I follow your work since 2016 and me and my girl love it but we can also affirm that if travel based influencers do not change the way they promote all these locations, every gem location in this planet will be destroyed in a matter of a few years. Governments won't do much because they will always seek for those fast tax returns, but they tend to forget that those tax returns won't last long.
If you are willing to make a change and create a more conscious approach to travel, me and my girl are willing to help you and who knows, be part of your amazing project and start a change in this industry before it is too late. I know you are conscious and an empathic guy that can not sleep well when problems like this one start to get very very serious, in fact, one of your major businesses might be in danger as well unfortunately.
I hope you can read my words and think about them 🙏


I lived there with an Indonesian scholarship in 2013-14 in Canggu, 500m from the beach, spent around 300$/month altogether for rent, phone, scooter, and eating out every day!!! (Never cooked at home), partying, clothes, yoga, dance, singing 3-4 times a week. Travels were extra. It was extremely cheap back then. I loved it! :)


Visiting Bali can be nice. Lived the for 5 years and honestly it was nothing like I had to move out. Not just because prices were way higher but because it feels the island doesn't have the same magic. Of course if you go to places like Amed or Lovina you will be alone, but then everything around Canggu and the Bukit is western and for westerners. Gyms, yoga, spas, restaurants, clubs, partys, etc. Where is the culture? Where are the locals? Just working for us bules? It feels terrible. And of course I love to go to different restaurants every night, but when it's too much it's too much. Also the audacity of some people living there now...honestly. Rudeness, not following the rules, being nasty towards locals. It's unbelievable.

Found myself being more angry than happy because of those things 😕


My wife and I moved to Bali in 2019 and got to experience that nostaglic time you mentioned. It was amazing! Since then, we moved back to the States and now we have a 2 year old. We look forward to hopefully moving back in 5 years when these growing pains are a thing of the past. I would love to raise my daughter in a much more peaceful and welcoming place.


seeing Bali today is more and more foreign tourists who come and live in Bali (which is good), but I as Indonesian felt foreign in my own country 😅


Interesting video - thanks for sharing. I've been visiting Bali since the early 1990s, visiting a few times a year. And yes it's changed a lot over time. I talk to my older friends who were visiting/ living there back in the late 60s and 70s, and they have some wild stories to tell - but still their experience was FAR DIFFERENT than anything I experienced, or that we experience today. Bali is an evolving place - change is inevitable. That said, I have a lot of local friends there and your very neutral tone of the change with Russian folks arriving is not how my local friends have expressed their feelings of the influx. They feel many of the new arrivals are arrogant and rude - treating them like servants or slaves. So a quick PSA: when visiting Bali - please be kind. Please be considerate. Please don't be rude and treat anyone poorly. You don't do any of us non-locals any favors by being a jerk. Thanks in advance for your consideration. 🙂


There has been a huge influx of moneyed expats into Bali the last few years, including yourself. In a few of your videos several months ago you covered your building of your hotel. If you get lots of expats investing lots of money and more and more people being drawn in by the hype then everything is going to cost more and continue to increase in cost. As long is there continues to be high demand like there currently is then supply vs demand will continue to push up costs.


One thing I want to correct in the video. It's definitely not true that the cost of cooking at home is the same as in the restaurants. You can get fresh produce at the local markets for cheap!


I’m genuinely curious about how Balinese people feel about foreigners buying land and building. Can you do a video focusing on that aspect? Besides digital nomads, do you provide any services/opportunities to the Balinese people/community?


Superb video Christian, Bali definitely has changed a lot but it still is a magical place with the most incredible people🥰 We'll continue to go back and with some luck, have a home there just like you one day 🙂


Just got back last week. This video is soft. It doesn't really convey the choking traffic. Or sitting in over crowded cafes where every table filled with Russians, restaurant staff are overwhelmed and you wait almost an hour for a coffee. instragram spots are mob scenes, people waiting for hours to take a picture. Lines and lines of vans shuttling you around Nusa Penida for pictures!? It was crazy and really unpleasant. He didn't cover Ubud, it took us an hour to get across town (less than a kilometer / on a scooter)! We went East, not great there either. We did find some solace above Lovina in a the North. The spirit and beauty I enjoyed before COVID, it is gone. Gone. We were there during this year's rainy and low season. I want to send big heart blessings to anyone attempting to go during the high season this summer. My recommendation? Cancel your trip. Can an island melt down? It is going to be a nightmare this year. You've been warned. 😮😢 We couldn't wait to leave.


I lived there recently for just under two months. No one can pay me to live in Canggu. I had to venture out to other places which were not infested with rude, nasty, foreigners/tourists (specially Russians) to have a good time and experience the culture and beauty of this magic island. I hope they cancel the VOA for Russians as the discussions are under way for that.
