Introduction to blend4web Scripting/Coding/Programming, First Example Hello World 'App' Explained

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To access the full power of blend4web, WebGL and a 3D Internet you have use programming.

This tutorial is the first in a series on programming with blend4web, learn how to fully use blend4web and Blender to make powerful interactive 3D web content.

Note: before starting this tutorial you need to download and install the blend4web CE SDK from -

This tutorial shows how to run the first example program from the blend4web user manual. It explains how the ‘app’ works and it shows the relevant blend4web API documentation.


Open the blend4web user manual
Go to ‘For Application Developers’ - ‘Application Programming’
Highlight and copy the listing of the “Hello World!” application
Paste the listing into a text editor
Go to the folder blend4web_ce/deploy/apps/common

For more tutorials and to download the finished file visit my website -

To learn about JavaScript go to -
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I really appreciate your thoughtful walk-thru approach. Nicely done!


Thanks! Made a comment under the part2 video.


Hello Ian. I decided to write you for help. Like many others, i am a beginner as well. I was wondering what should I do if I want to add a button that would allow me to browse for a picture to add as a background in blend4 web? Could you direct me some where or try to explain?? Thank you so much for everything you do in your channel.


Hi Ian. I came across this play list and there have been some changes since the release of the video. Specifically the current version of 18.05.0 seems to handle things differently. Would it be possible to update with the changes?


Does this web blend work along with Blenders API Python 3.5.2 I work on Mac will that be a problem?
