Trusting antibody testing: Coronavirus Pandemic—Daily Report with Rishi Desai, MD, MPH

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Stay on top of the latest COVID-19 news with the Osmosis Coronavirus Pandemic Daily Report. In each report, Osmosis Chief Medical Officer Rishi Desai, MD, MPH, will deliver a short, focused explanation of a specific COVID-19 topic, and provide updates on the current status of the pandemic, both within the US and globally.

Today's update focuses on COVID-19 and trusting antibody testing.

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For future videos can you include DOIs in the video description so we can see which papers you looked at?


your work is valuable and appreciated, thanks Bob PA-C (front line COVID worker)


Next time, could you zoom into the articles a little bit? I can hardly see the tiny words...


Detect immunity is going to be a great trend to look at! Thank you!


Thank you Doctor to summarize and update to us. Especially to clarify the statement of WHO. As if WHO want to pan fear to world public, to doom and gloom to suggest that even you have IgM it does not help ?


Should be thanking all frontliners and medical health workers for their service. They play a big role to combat this pandemic. Mass testing should really be done as soon as possible.
Does anyone know where can I buy Covid-19 Antibody testing kit?


I plan to get two serology tests with a few days between. If they disagree, I'll get a third test.


I see a lot of people claiming the WHO isn't to be trusted, or some variation on that theme. For everyone that keeps saying the WHO claimed there was no human-to-human transmission, that was 1/14/2020 based off initial information from China (they had only learned about it 12/31/2019). They course-corrected on 1/22/20 (8 days later) and said there IS proof of human-to-human transmission. Yes, they got it wrong initially. But if you expect everything to be 100% accurate when we continue to learn more about this virus then I don't know what to tell you. We are going to get things wrong. As we learn more, we have to correct our base of knowledge. Is the WHO perfect? No. It's run by people, none of whom are perfect. But they are doing their best to put out accurate information. And they are advising based off the most current information, not all of which is accurate. Sometimes their wording is bad (like the article in this Osmosis video), sometimes their information is just wrong, old, and misinformed. That doesn't mean you can't trust the WHO, but I would argue it does mean you should get your information from more than one place. I'm just tired of hearing complaints about something the WHO corrected over 3 months ago. They screwed up 1/14/20 and then corrected it 1/22/20. Let's move on.


How will I rely on these articles if they were not certified by peer review yet?.


Good presentation but slides too small.


I am interested in knowing about the risk stratification of severe COVID19 disease for infants, children, teenagers, young adults, middle-aged, and elderly patients: in addition to different tiers of comorbid diseases I.e. Pre-diabetes versus diabetes or mild asthma versus moderate versus severe


Thank you for this interesting and updated information


Also please slow down when talking. Thank you so much.


Rishi Sir I want to know is blood clotting a major factor in case of Covid 19


I suspect the WHO's intent was to tell countries wanting to issue "immunity certificates" that the decision was ill-advised at this time. While I think the way it was done wasn't the best, I don't entirely disagree with the intent (assuming my interpretation is accurate). With most viruses nowadays we can run titers and see if the patient has protective levels of antibodies. But we don't currently know what the protective levels are of SARS-COV2, which means the presence of antibodies does not necessarily equal immunity. If you haven't developed protective levels of antibodies DESPITE being positive for antibodies you could theoretically get re-infected, which is the big concern here. We need more information before we start telling people they are "in the clear."


Hi. I have a question. Does the virus still last on a person's body even after death.


WHO has zero credibility. Didn't they say there was no evidence of human to human transmission?!


Sir it is my personal opinion looking at the reports from the previous WHO discussions. It seems that WHO is actually responsible for this pandemic for it's extra information of non transmission from human to human. WHO is of no use and not at all a trustworthy platform after all these.


I admire your enthusiasm ( and faith) for so-called evidence based medicine, but I often concern myself with the degree of retrogression humanity ensconces in by permitting petty efforts for profit when the universe is the limit. We can NOW splice, edit, the entire human Genome and we want apportion healthcare resources arbitrarily. ...
