led cyc-led cyc

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The fixture, with a power of 3W watts R9G9B9W9 LED and a sophisticated specifically designed optical system, allows to illuminate in an absolutely even way an area of approximately 6 meters wide and 7 meters in height, positioned at a distance from the backdrop of only 1.5 meters.
With the extremely wide horizontal beam and the possibility to generate with LEDs an almost infinite range of colours, you get a significant savings both in the number of luminaires needed and in the power used.
Thanks to the great extension in height of the light beam and the use of the fixture from below and from above, you can easily illuminate also the highest backdrops as in large opera houses.
The possibility of connecting many pieces as master and slave make easier the DMX set up of a full cyclorama.
No more dark filter fading during the shows, because the colours are generated directly by the light source
Internal memory for playback of automatic soft sequences and chasers.