How to Climb the Government (GS) Pay Ladder

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If you are in the government or are considering a government job then you have to understand the GS grade promotion system. There are a lot of different rules when you are considering GS grade job sometimes you can even skip GS grades. In this video, I discuss different strategies and considerations when getting promoted as a government employee. Have you started applying to federal government jobs yet? Let me know down below.

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It was this advice that helped me get a GS13. I applied for a GS12 got the job then a GS13 came up while I was awaiting a final job offer. I went ahead and applied and got the GS13 and took it!! Life changing difference of $16, 000


The career ladder is nice. That is how I started. I went back to school and at the time the agency I work for had openings for recent grads. I interviewed like 6 or 7 times, (sorry can't remember). 1 job offer. I was happy I was selected and love where I work. I have been promoted outside the career ladder. I just accepted a job offer that enters into another career ladder position. There are two take aways I will share, Once you have been hired, volunteer. I found this hard to do at first and had to get this out of my mindset since I am a veteran. Once I started volunteering is when I started being promoted. My second take away is always have a positive attitude even when things get a little rough.


Want to thank you Armand, just submitted my superior qualifications memo, fingers crossed.


It's sad that it's so difficult to move from one field to the next, even with a Master's degree. I'm a GS 12 and have been applfor years to move from Logistics to HR, which is what I have a degree in. I keep being told I'll have to start as a 7 or 9 or go into a Pacer program. It's absolutely ridiculous! The Federal government is a joke at times!


Great video! Thanks for the very helpful info.


Armand, I am currently a federal employee, employed in an agency that I cannot disclose at this time. Basically, I work in claims. I am a GS12, step 6. I am trying to laterally transfer over to CMS as a Health Insurance Specialist. I have an MBA w/ a concentration in healthcare mgt. I have extensive medical knowledge and this fall 2024, I will be going back to nursing school. My question is, why is it so hard to laterally transfer over to a different federal agency, like CMS? I have even applied for a lower GS level position 7-11, and I still got rejected. Please comment. Thanks.


Not all jobs have mobility if you’re a GS six or seven you’re pretty much stuck there for 100 years


I'm currently in the 2005 job series Supply Technician at a GS-5 currently. And I think the highest i've seen 2005 goes to is a GS-7. I've not seen anything about GS-7 for the 2005 job series. What series would you recommend once I get to the point of applying to a GS-9 after I reach the GS-7 grade level?


Do the 12 months have to be consecutive?
Why is the FEMA Local Hire position not on any ladder? No classification at all


Hey there! Just wanted your opinion about getting into the government with a contract specialist position. There seems to be a lot of them and my logic is I could apply to more positions with better odds. I want a fully remote position and I do know that typically with an abundance of certain positions it usually means it’s a crappy position that no one wants.

The main goal is to get your opinion about those positions and if they are a great entryway into the government.

