Amy Parker Faith, Hope, Love series

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In 1 Corinthians 13, after Paul describes the attributes of love, he leaves us with this declaration: "Now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love" (v.13 HCSB). The NASB says, "Faith, hope, and love, abide these three." The NLT translates, "Three things will last forever..." If these are the three things that remain, abide, that last forever, it is vital that our children hear these ideas early and often, in a language and format that they understand, that they can begin to implement immediately, that they take with them throughout their lives. While the board books introduce the concepts in simple text with endearing illustrations, the devotional will allow children to internalize these ideas by putting them into action. This engaging, educational approach will solidify these foundational concepts in the heart of a child, making a lifelong impact on the next generation. - Amy Parker