Robo's Top 5 Most Needed Bandai Action Figure Model Kits 1:12 Scale

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Someone asked me recently what I wanted to see in the Bandai action figure model kit line and I thought you know what, let's just get this down in list form and go for it. Surprisingly, it's not all Star Wars. Well, it is, but I couldn't leave other properties alone.

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I really like the idea of having on my shelf an Iron Man armory made of model kits, that would be really nice.
Model kids are so versatile that one could buy a couple extra ones to weather with some battle damage or keep on display partially disassembles as a "WIP" accessory for a diorama.
Probe Droid is a winner too... And, while we're talking Hoth, I wouldn't mind an AT-AT driver to follow.


Your my favorite YouTuber, the fact that you care enough to respond to your fans really shows how awesome you are. There are not a lot of you tubers that respond as often as you. You actually gave me the motivation to start collecting black series, love you Robo :)


I'd love to see a General Grievous model kit. I know there was the leaked picture of the Figuarts one, and a rumored hasbro release, but with the way Bandai has done their kits and droids, Grievous could look really good.


Would it be too much to ask for a model kit Grievous? One can dream.


I'd love either of the bounty hunter droids, especially since Hasbro's IG-88 was WAY underscaled. Even his blasters were smaller than the versions that came with the Stormtrooper.


Yes x5. Plus, just about any Imperial trooper. If Bandai figures out soft materials with these kits, a Snowtrooper may be my first pick.
That weathering on 4-LOM would be a breeze with some Vallejo rust and/or mud acrylic applied generously, then buffed off with a cloth & some Windex.


1:35: Cue Pablo.

Speaking of Star Wars droids, I'd like to see a MagnaGuard from Revenge of the Sith and even HK-47 from Knights of the Old Republic done as a figure and/or a model kit.


5 - Jango Fett or 4-LOM
4 - Magnaguard
3 - HK-47
2 - IG-88
1 - General Grievous


I like the new show! My list looks something like this
5. General Grievous, Droidekas extra astromech domes (R3, R4, R6) Probe Droid.
4.Finish off the OT troopers
3.Tie Bomber & B-Wing
2.Star Destroyer
All would be model kits


Gotta love the droids, and my personal favorite the probe droid. Top of my list.


Wouldn't mind seeing more of these Fwoosh 5 lists, and I'm definitely down for more model kits. Personally I'd like a Revan one, the design's close enough to Kylo that it could work with the same rubbery parts for the cloak.


I don't care which company makes it, whether it's Hasbro, Figuarts, etc., I just want a 6" Scale Kit Fisto.


i would love to see Grievous as a model kit. He would be light weight enough to actually pose. Great list, would love a probe droid!


Off the top of my head, with little thought, my top 5:

1. General Grevious
2. Sabine Wren with helmet on
3. Chopper in a double pack with another rebels droid
4. IG-88
5. Imperial 3 Pack: Probe Droid, Interrogation Droid, Mouse Droid

Honorable mentions: Imperial AT-AT Driver, AT-DP Driver, Death Star Gunner, First Order Flametrooper, Jango Fett


Would love to see an Imperial probe droid model kit.
I hope one day we get all the bounty hunters from ESB.


Heck yeah I'm down for more list videos - they're my favorite!

The thing I want the most is more Clone variant kits, or some kind of "upgrade pack" kit. I want Kashyyyk troopers, Utapau helmets, all that good stuff.


I like these top lists and I agree with almost all of the characters you've mentioned in this one. Hope Bandai is listening!


Keep these videos up, Robo, they're top notch quality. I know you're not that big of a prequel fan but you have to admit, a Droideka model kit would be sweet. Intricate as hell probably but sweet nonetheless. I don't even want to start imagining how the ball position would even be achieved but I think that the package should bring 2 models: A fully deployed Droideka and another one in its ball form. And it should have a clear stand base piece thing like BB-8. And Bandai should definitely make Super Battle Droids, too. I need my armies, man. Can't have Clones without their counterparts. I would also love to see different Clone types. Especially the likes of Commander Neyo, Bacara (I think it was something like that). Oh, and that bad ass bounty hunter with the speeder bike from the original cartoon Clone Wars. Surge? Durge? Something like that. Big, bulky dude. And if you're not into vehicles, you have to admit, a Sandcrawler would be neat, too...


definitely do a top most wanted black series figures!


Great list - the Viper Probe Droid is def my top pick. Along with Grievous and Magnaguards, Bandai could easily knock more OT & PT droids out of the park. IE: 2-1B and FX-7 (medical droids), EV-9D9 (interrogator droid), Power Droid (w/ Chopper?), the Destroyer Droid, Commando Droid, and my personal fave C21 Highsinger.
