Joan Baez ~ Donna, Donna

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My older sister and I would sing this song together as she played guitar. My sweetest memories are when we sang harmony together. She died at age 18 of liver cancer. I was 17 then, and now at age 62 this song makes me 12 again, singing harmony with my sister. 💜 I miss you, Chrissy.

Edit: since this post, I have been so moved by the compassion of readers from all over the world. You have been a great comfort. Christine Ann was my only sister. When I was little, I would curl up at the foot of her bed rather than sleep in my own. I was always in awe of her mastery of music theory. Our singing was a deep bond. This song touches me still. Thank you for the love. Diane 🦋


지난시간을 생각하면서 듣고있어요
어느덧 젊은시절은 지나가고 60대에 머물고 있어요


I am 75 today. I have been enjoying listening to this beautiful song for 50 years!


Sevgili gencler Bende 71 yasindayim Biz 68 kusagi cok sevdik hala cok seviyoruz Joan Beaz'i Yanliz diyilsiniz...Bravo sizlere...Bu vahsi kapitalizimin caginda Ruhunuzu hala bir isik var gelecek icin Tesekkurler size.Ta uzaklardan Danimarkadan sevgiler siz duyarli genclere.


Due to a horrible divorce I lost contact with my children for 7 years now. Almost every evening I sang this song two times when bringing my youngest daughter to bed. First time on the original melody, second time with the refrain on a selfmade melody. Almost every night, year after year. One of my dearest and most painfull memories. We had an intimate joke together: I always skipped the last word 'don', and my daughter was always waiting untill that last 'don' to come. And then, when she no longer expected it or was almost falling asleep, that last word 'don' sounded and we laughed together.
I hope she will remember this beautifull sung. The words are so simple and true. I hope she finds the strength to put the terrible misery of her parents' divorce behind her - a divorce that she never wanted but which has shaped her. And that she finds the strength, that inner power, to become a swallow once again, and not a calf.


My mother used to sing this for me when I was younger. Truly beautifull


Dear Joan, your songs accompanied my life from youth on. I am 72 years now. I still have records with your songs. I saw you in Beethovenhalle Bonn/Germany years ago. It was great. Thank for for all of it. For your wonderfull voice, which me always fulfilled with love and courage in life. Love from germany to you.


How can a voice be so haunting, so livid, so beautiful? Always puts a tear in my eye, inadvertently.


Joan Baez has been in my book of favorites since about 1970's. I think I still have the LP with the song....


My mom used to sing this song to me when it was bed time. It was in the late 80's. Almost 30 years later it brings tears to my eyes but I keep listening to it :)


I've been listening to Joan Baez for over 50 years. This song always brings tears to my eyes.


One of the most beautiful universal folk songs.
I knew it first in English but my mother would also sing it in Yiddish where it originated, and later I learned the Hebrew version which some communities here in Israel sing on Passover Eve.
Just played this one to my mother who is now 95


I was only around 8-12 years old when I first heard this song, and I remember crying to it even though I couldn't understand what it meant. A few years later, I got to find out what the song means, and I have a whole new perspective of it now as well as knowing the reason why I cried when I first heard it. Even though this song was way past my generation, it still touches the hearts of those who listen to it. I am currently 23 years old, and I still love this song. Thank you to the person who wrote the original version and those also who made covers of this song. I am forever grateful.


If ur still listening this in 2024. Take care & sleep well.


(Şu an 25 yaşındayım ve tarih 10 Haziran 2023 saat gece 01.15 . O zamandan bu zamana çok şey değişti. İngilizce öğretmeni oldum. Pandemiyi yaşadım. Depremi yaşadım. Ailemden yakınlarımı kaybettim... Çok zor şeyler yaşadık hâla da yaşıyoruz.. Ama değişmeyen tek şey hayatın devam ettiği ve böyle müziklerin etkisinin hep sürdüğü.. Sizler de yorumumu her beğendiğinizde ya da yorum yaptığınızda buraya geri dönüp buruk bir gülümseme yaşıyorum.. Ve zamanın nasıl hızlı akıp gittiğini daha iyi anlıyorum..)

Bilerek İngilizce değil de Türkçe yorum atıyorum belki bir Türk vardır bu şarkıyı benim gibi dinleyen :) Yıl 2020 ve ben 22 yaşındayım ama hala ruhumu dinlendirmek için bu kadının şarkılarını dinlerim. Çok farklı bir müzik tarzı var. İnsanı hayatın karmaşasından uzaklaştırıp çok farklı alemlere götürüyor ❤


I am a Korean and I have a big attatchment with this song. I feel a river of painful flow through my heart.


We used to sing this song at camp. Even though we were 10 or 11 years old, they taught us the true meaning and to never be the calf. I cry when I think of my friends whose parents had numbers tattooed on their arms.
Never Again


Her voice was probably the most beautiful and haunting voices crying in the wilderness. Back then, and still, nobody compares.


J ai 49 ans et ce n 'est pas une chanteuse de ma génération, mais j'adore cette chanteuse, cette voix et ses chansons.
J'ai des frissons à chacune quasiment de ses chansons.❤


고등학교 2학년(1978년도)때 영어수업 시간에 존바에즈 노래 몇곡 듣고 수업을 시작했었죠..영어선생님께서 테이프에 녹음해서 우리 학생들한테 나눠주어서 집에서 매일 들었던 이 노래를 다시들으니 지난시절이 기억됩니다 좋은영상과 노래 감사합니다 ^^
