Create Change | Episode 7: Create Harmony with Miguel and Jessica Hische | Adobe

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For the seventh installment of Create Change, we hear from GRAMMY-winning Singer, Songwriter and Producer, Miguel, and Lettering Artist and Author, Jessica Hische, on the healing powers of the creative process. Miguel and Jessica discuss how letting go of control when creating opens up moments of surprise ingenuity, and how creativity is a powerful way to communicate emotions, bring about self-balance, and support connection in this digital-first world.

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Create Change | Episode 7: Create Harmony with Miguel and Jessica Hische | Adobe
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Cool Beans! It's true creativity and positive mental exits go hand and hand. I have a degree in the social sciences and I have coined theses releases that the human body experiences as mental exits. There is a need to continue to find breath in release though mental exits to not only see your potential in the creative context, but also to help prevent mental disasters from thought overload (like suicide). Art for me has always been mental exits for my creative side from theater, to drawing, to poetry, to songwriting, to sculpting. Truly, the world can be your canvas if you just believe and execute on it. Let me tell y'all...having a background working with kiddos in the past, gave way to understanding the realm of mental freedom in creativity. The kiddos love a good book for story time. I am so glad Jessica, you are making books for children I am sure they will love. It brings to Mind my experience piloting a program with Dr. Seuss called Readers Are Leaders. In the activity time kids come up with some of most coolest ways in expressing themselves on what they took away from the book. However, adults are very different when those mental exits need to be exercised. Adults with depression disorder have difficulty in creating mental exits when the tunnel of life becomes overwhelming. Behavior modification is necessary when depressive thoughts kick frustrations into overload. Learning the necessary tools needed to exercise yourself is key to preventing a spiral of negative behavior that can result in suicidal attempts. Taking the proper mind conditioning, and time to challenge a participant in building positive exits, will create rewarding results. Therapy is good, and can be received now a days in so many variations including yoga. Most of the time those mental exits are revered unbeknownst to thought patterns of memory. In behavioral therapy the participant is reinforced to become aware of positive mental exits, by brainstorming alternative safety nodes for suicidal prevention and behavioral modification. It is when humanity tends to forget about those exits that create lock doors on things like our feelings, emotions, creativity, the right career etc. Freedom of expression is so organic, and purposeful. Miguel Jontél I think your ability to allow such freeing exits of creativity has made you one of the most remarkable people on the planet!


I swear to god I need to stop misclicking ads cause it always HAPPEN.


Pov: you accidentally clicked the ad while watching a yt video


Подскажите, куда жаловаться на компанию Adobe? В нецензурной форме хочу выразить своё негодование грё баным запретом на воспроизведение флеша на сайтах. Кто-нибудь вообще думал в компании, если им вообще есть чем думать, что огромное количество полезных старых сайтов содержат видеоинформацию во флеше и только в нём? Какого хрена теперь миллионы сайтов содержат бесполезные ссылки на флеш-плагин, которого теперь нет? Нельзя было оставить на старых сайтах флеш, чтобы можно было открывать контент? Или автоматически заменить ссылки флеш-плагина на другой видеоплагин, более типабезопасный? Гневу моему, и миллионов других пользователей, нет предела!!!
Tell me where to complain about Adobe? In an obscene form, I want to express my indignation at the fuc king ban on playing Flash on sites. Has anyone at all thought in the company, if they have anything at all to think that a huge number of useful old sites contain video information in flash and only in it? Why the hell are millions of sites now containing useless links to a flash plugin that no longer exists? Was it impossible to leave flash on old sites so that you could open content? Or automatically replace the Flash plugin links with another video plugin that is more type safe? To my anger, and millions of other users, there is no limit !!!
