Pokemon Sword & Shield - All 6 Regis Encounters! (Crown Tundra- Regidrago, Regieleki & Regigigas)

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What's up guys, I am Pheonixmaster1, and welcome to my Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield video for Nintendo Switch. Pokemon Sword and Shield's Expansion DLC - Crown Tundra has two new Regi pokemon in Regidrago and Regieleki. You can also catch the good old Regi Trio of Regirock, Registeel & Regice. Once you have all 5 Regis you can battle and catch Regigigas in a Max Raid battle.
0:00 Registeel Battle & Location
4:09 Regirock Battle & Location
8:28 Regice Battle & Location
12:53 Regidrago Battle & Location
17:55 Regieleki Battle & Location
20:26 Regigigas Battle & Location
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🎶 Outro Music:
Pokemon Sword and Shield DLC Info:
The Crown Tundra is the second area you’ll be able to visit with your Expansion Pass. See for yourself this vast landscape, with its drifts of glittering snow! In this frigid area with jagged, snowy mountains, people have settled in a small, tight-knit community.
Early in your adventures here, a man named Peony will appoint you as the leader of his exploration team in the Crown Tundra. You’ll be tasked with investigating the reaches of this frozen land—including the depths of a Pokémon Den, something you’ve so far been able to glimpse only during Max Raid Battles!
What’s more, it seems many Legendary Pokémon make the Crown Tundra their home.
The first new adventure unlocked by your Expansion Pass will take place on the Isle of Armor, an island of the Galar region.
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